Chapter 4

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The very next day around 9:30 they started texting early.

Their text(Journey:Me Bow Wow:Daddy🤤)

Daddy🤤:Good morning beautiful😘

Me:Gm fine ass☺️

Daddy🤤:Sooo...ummm about last night....

Me:It was the best sex I every had I think we should do it again tonight😋

Daddy🤤:I was think you would neva wanna do it again..but I was wrong

Me:Yes very wrong

Daddy🤤:I'm about to hop in the shower and then come get you and we can "chill"😎

Journeys POV
I can't believe what we did last night.It just amazed me.It was just all so good.I kind of wish that night never ended.I am still deciding on whether I should tell Jayla or keep it all between me and my new boo.It all seems like a fantasy.

Bow Wow POV
I am trying to officially make Journey mine.When I get with her I am going to ask her a couple of questions....well maybe not because she may think some of them are too personal.

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