Tom Hiddleston

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How you met...

Your family and friends thought you were crazy for uprooting your whole life to move to England. They never left the small town you grew up in and expected you'd be the same. But you always dreamt of travelling aboard, so it was perfect when you got hired at a publicity company in London.

Looking out the window of your modest apartment you see Regent Park and know this was the best decision you ever made. Excited to start your new life you decide to go for a run in the park. Pushing the blankets off with your legs you groan stretching before getting out of bed. You open your wardrobe to pull out a smart pair of yoga pants with a matching top and your favorite running sneakers. After you pull a hoodie on you give yourself one last look in the mirror smiling.

The cool crisp air brushes your face revitalizing you as you step onto the sidewalk. You start jogging down the street towards one of the park entrances. There are a few people already running on the trails. You decide to stick to the outer circle so you can get to know the park. Running about half way around you get a cramp and have to sit down on a bench. You try stretching and rubbing your left leg.

"Excuse me... Mind if I sit?"

You look up to see a tall handsome stranger standing above you. His track pants are ripped slightly over the right knee and a small gash is trickling blood.

"Uh sure..." You mumble moving down the bench.

"Thank you." He says with a striking smile.

You can't help staring at him as he inspects his knee. His chiseled jaw tightens as he tries to brush the gravel from the wound.

"What happen?" You ask shyly.

He looks over at you startled as if he forgot you were sitting next to him. Your stomach twists as you look into his bright blue eyes.

He blushes slightly, "It's quite embarrassing... I tripped. I got distracted by a puppy and almost ran into a bicycler and well...down I went."

He chuckles while running a hand through his short dirty blonde hair. You find his dimples endearing. "Are you injured?" He glances down at your left leg.

"Oh... I uh got a cramp." You look down and feel your cheeks redden. "I think it's better now. Maybe I'll see you around." You stand and start down the path back to your apartment.

You don't know why you didn't stay to chat with him. He was so cute and such a nice guy. You didn't have any friends here yet and he could have been your first.

You're still regretting it when you walk into your new job at Prospect PR.

"Hello, Y/N! It's good to see you again." The main partner Luke greets you at the door.

"Good morning Luke." You greet back shaking his hand.

He leads you over to your office. "Are you settling in?"

"Yes, thanks. My flat is near Regent Park..."

"It's lovely there." Luke smiles.

"It really is. I went for a run this morning..."

"Excuse me Luke, Your 9am is here." One of the receptionists interrupts knocking on the door.

"Ok, Show him into the conference room please. Thank you Lucy." He answers her.

You place your purse on the desk, "If you have to go I'll be all right here by myself."

Luke looks at his watch, "Why don't you come with me... Get to know some of our clients."

You follow him out shutting the door as you leave. He introduces you to a few people on the way to the conference room. Entering the room you stand in shock at the sight of the man from the park sitting in one of the chairs. A look of recognition washes over his face as well.

"Tom this is our new publicist Y/N... Y/N this is Tom Hiddleston, one of our valued clients." Luke announces.

Tom stands from his chair extending his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

You blush shaking his hand. "Yes, you as well."

The three of you sit down. Luke discusses a few upcoming events Tom is scheduled to appear at. You try to pay attention but you are distracted by Tom's perfect features. You just want to run your fingers through his well arranged hair. To feel his strong hands all over your body. He catches you staring and gives you a stunning smile. His smile makes his whole face light up. His perfect lips part and reveal his straight white teeth.

"Y/N... Y/N?" Luke breaks into your thoughts.

"Hmmm?" You turn to Luke.

"Will you be able to accompany Tom to the premiere?" He asks again.

"Oh uh yes... of course... if you'd like." You stammer in response.

"Excellent!" Luke declares slapping his hand on the table as he pushes his chair away to stand. "It's settled, a car will pick up at 6pm and then you'll pick up Tom at 6:15pm. Do you have a formal dress?"

"Uh no. But I can get one." You sheepishly reply.

Luke nods and excuses himself from the room leaving you and Tom alone.

"So this is a pleasant surprise..." Tom leans against the table. "How's your cramp?"

"All better now..." You giggle. "How's your knee?"

"On the mend. Thanks." He grins. His gaze is direct yet soft and kind.

"That's good... You'll need to be in top form to walk the red carpet." You tease.

"True." He stands and walks around the table.

You stand as well extending you hand to him. "It was lovely to meet you again... I'll see you on Thursday."

"It's a date." He winks tenderly kissing your hand. 

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