Henry Cavill

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How you met...

You have been working at the Durrell Wildlife Park as a veterinarian. A family of guerillas have just been brought in and you are required to treat them exclusively. One of the females has just given birth and you are feeding the infant formula through a bottle. There's a bit of ruckus outside of the room but you don't pay it any attention. You continue to hum a sweet lullaby to the baby guerilla while swaying in a rocking chair. You and your team can't decide what to name the adorable baby guerilla. You play a few names in your mind wrinkling your nose unable to settle on one.

Suddenly the door bursts open with a trail of boardmembers, trainers, other veterinarians, and photographers. The infant in your arms awakes and begins to whine at the sounds. Annoyed you glare at all the people filing in.

"Excuse me!" You raise your voice to be heard over the crowd. Many people turn to you startled as if you were a ghost that just appeared out of thin air.

"Do you mind being a bit more quiet?" You continue slightly raising the infant into their view.

Instead of having the desired effect the crowd begin to oooh and ahhh over the baby guerilla and press around you. Flashes of light blind you as the photographers fire away. The tiny infant retreats into your side crying loudly.

Raising your hand you begin to shout, "Please! Stop! You're scaring the infant!"

"Oy! She said back up!" A strong masculine voice advances over the crowd.

The mass of people begin to part as the owner of the voice makes his way to you. You rub your eyes so you can adjust from the camera flashes.

"I'm terribly sorry..." He says bending down beside you.

You glance up meeting his steel blue eyes. He smiles wide causing you to blush.

"Henry... Henry look over here!" A photographer calls.

You look at Henry pleadingly. The infant still upset by the flashes and voices.

His smile fades looking between you and the crying infant. "No, No more pictures please." He turns to one of the senior boardmembers. "Do you mind if I have some one on one time with the infant and Dr...?"

"Dr. Y/N..." You reply looking at the crowd. A few people write down your name probably for photo credits.

"Uh...Well we have a lot of other animals and exhibits to show you." The boardmember answers.

Henry softens his look, "To be honest I'm more interested in the guerillas."

The boardmember sighs loudly. "I suppose...If you insist..."

"I insist." Henry's charming smile reappears. The boardmember nods and shepards the rest of the crowd out of the room.

Once the door shuts Henry turns to you. "Again... I apologize for just barging in. I'm Henry..."

"Cavill." You interrupt. "Yes I know who you are. I forgot you were touring the facility today."

"I'm partnering with Durrell to begin the Cavill Conservation. I want to shed light on the need to help endangered animals. I'm trying to decide which to sponsor today. Everyone is eager to get my attention but I find myself drawn to you."

You can't hide the stunned look that crosses your face. "Me?"

His cheeks brighten, "Well I mean... you... as in your department."

"Oh I see." You ease back into the rocking chair pulling your attention back down to the infant. She cooes up at you seeming more at peace.

"She's beautiful." Henry whispers.

"Would you like to hold her?" You offer.

His face illuminates, "Yes, if she'll let me."

Carefully switching places with one another you lay the infant into his strong arms. At first she whines and fidgets, but she calms when you begin to hum the lullaby again stroking her small head. You keep your gaze fixed on the infant as she falls asleep.

"Amazing." Henry grins.

"She is isn't she." You whisper lovingly pulling the blanket closer to her face.

"I meant you..." He timidly admits. Your cheeks flush as the corners of your mouth curl up bashfully.

A couple weeks later the press has once again gather at the Wildlife Park. This time you are in attendance at the main entrance of the guerilla enclosure. You and your team are seated on stage with the board members and Henry. He winks at you before taking his place in front of a microphone.

Your heart swells as he announces his decision to adopt the guerilla family at the park. His whole being illuminates talking about the endangered animals and his mission to save as many as possible starting with the incredible guerillas here. His words are eloquent and graceful, you definitely understand how people become infatuated with him. He motions to you and your team asking the audience to give you a round of applause for all your hard work before ending the press conference.

You step off the stage with the rest of the team. After a few interviews you stretch to see where Henry is. Unable to find him you decide to head back inside to check on the infant. Once you've cleared the crowds you feel a hand grab your forearm. Instinctively, you twist out of the grip.

"Whoa..Easy!" Henry laughs throwing his hands up in defense.

"You scared me..." You giggle.

"What'd you think?"

In response you wrap your arms around his waist. "Thank you." You whisper against his chest.

You feel his firm arms slide across your back as his lips make contact with the top of your head.

"Of course... This means you're going to see more of me." He whispers.

"I hope so."

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