Chris Evans

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How you met...

You have been a production assistant for Marvel for a few years. Recently you've been assigned to work on the set of the Avengers: Assemble movie. Being on set always makes you giddy, you just love the movie making magic and mingling with the stars. You've worked on a few previous MCU films and have gotten to be good friends with some of the actors, in particular Tom Hiddleston and Scarlett Johansson.

The scenes shooting today will be at night with Tom and Chris Evans. It's a big fight scene and you're anxious to see the action. As you walk up the trailer steps to hair and make-up you here the familar laugh of Tom.

"Hiddleston!" You call swinging the door open. "Stop giggling like a school girl and get your ass to wardrobe!"

He looks at your reflection in the mirror in front of him, "Do you see how they treat you here on set? Outrageous!" He playfully elbows the person sitting next to you.

The person is Chris Evans. He looks up smiling at Tom and then at you. You have seen him around the set but never uttered a word to him. It's not that he isn't approachable just too handsome. In between takes he would often come up to you and Scarlett but you would just smile and nod like an idiot. Now you were frozen speechless again.

"What no sassy comeback?" Tom chuckles rising from the chair.

You just stare at Chris's reflection in the mirror as a blush spreads across your face. Chris looks at you sheepishly, a boyish smile still on his face. You want to say something, anything but when you open your mouth a small squeak escapes.

"What was that?" Tom asks cupping his hand to his ear grinning.

You shake your head trying to gain control of your mind. "Come on... We're late." You order stepping closer to the door.

"Yes, Ma'am." Tom salutes before slapping a hand on Chris's shoulder. "See you out there, Mate."

Once you both are out the door Tom coyishly bumps into you. "I never thought I'd see the day you would't have a witty comeback."

You roll your eyes and push him back. "Well I figured I'd let you win for once."

"Uhuh." He winks at you before getting into the costume trailer.

Later, that night the set designers are resetting the scene. It's late and everyone is exhausted. You're sitting on a bench sipping a coffee to stay awake. It's getting a bit chilly out even though its the middle of summer. You jump as you feel a jacket being draped over your shoulders. Expecting to see Tom or one of the other assistants you glance to your side and are surprised to see Chris sitting next to you.

"I hope I'm not bothering you." He says.

You shake your head in response.

"So, We haven't been properly introduced...I'm Chris."

You swallow hard trying to muster the courage to speak.

"Um...I...My name is... Y/N." You stammer.

"It's great to finally meet you..." He beams.

You nod, cursing yourself internally. Just talk to him... He wants to talk to you... Say something!

You look down at your feet instead. Out of the corner of your eye you see him fidgetting as well.

"Well... I guess I should get back over there." He sighs after a minute of silence.

You turn to him. "I uh...I was going to head over to craft services for a midnight snack... Would you want to join me?"

A look of delight spreads across his face. "I would love to."

You both walk over to the table of food and spend the next few minutes talking and snacking. The conversation gets easier and easier. He's quite charming and you find your crush deepening. When the time comes you walk back to set together not wanting the moment to end.

He steps in front of you and you stop.

"I have something to confess..." He whispers rubbing the back of his neck. "I... I've been wanting to talk to you since the first day on set.

You smile and raising one of your brows. "Really?"

"Yea..." He shifts from one foot to another. "Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?"

Joy does not describe the feeling you felt at that moment. You want to jump up and down screaming yes!

"Sure, that would be nice." You try to sound normal even though every fiber in your body is excited.

His whole face lights up. You just stand there smiling at each other for a few seconds before the director calls him over. You slide the jacket off and hand it to him.

"Nah, keep it. It looks good on you." He winks and jogs over to the director.

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