Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Not half an hour after General Kyle's death, Emma was still hugging Kyle's limp body tight against her own. A wounded soldier came up and put his hand on the queens shoulder. "Your Majesty, I am sorry but we must move out in case another attack were to happen." The young soldier stated, sorrow written over his face for the loss of a great leader and friend. He removed his hand and walked back towards his remaining comrades. Emma sighed, "Bring me a stretcher, he shall have a proper ceremonial funeral." Emma shouted gently so everyone could hear her. Two soldiers ran over to her with a stretcher and slowly Emma released the former General from her grip. Tears threatened to fall again but she held them back and rose to her feet. Her face clearly tear stained but she continued to walk back to the oak tree with her head held high back to her sister, her love and her love's kidnapper.

Her sister Nicole walked towards her and embraced her in a hug, if anyone knew Emma apart from Sam it was Nicole. They didn't see a lot of each other since Nicole moved to Australia fifteen years ago. Nicole visited once or twice each year but they both knew each other well enough to know when something was wrong even if they weren't always together. Emma hugged her sister back tighter letting her know she appreciated that she was there for her. Nicole pulled back and smiled at her sister. She was so proud of her, she had been through so much in her life especially in the past few weeks trying to find Alex. Emma returned a weak smile and continued walking towards the old tree.

She saw Taylor sitting beside Alex. Taylor gave a half smile up at Emma in hope that she would soon forgive her. She still didn't trust Taylor with Alex, she trusted Alex but not Taylor. How could she trust Taylor again since she was apart of an uprising, attacked her and kidnapped her love? But somehow she knew that she could trust Taylor to watch over Alex. She knew Taylor would never let any harm come to Alex if she could help it, she did look after her while she was captured. But again Emma can't help but blame Taylor for taking Alex from her! Taylor was a loyal servant in the castle so why would she suddenly change? Emma was in deep thought then was snapped back into reality when Alex started to heave and be sick.

Emma quickly bent down and started patting Alex's back trying to help her get her vomit out of her. "Its alright baby I'm here don't worry, we're going home now." Emma cooed into Alex's ear trying to calm her down a bit. "I don't know what's wrong with her every time I fed her in the dungeon she kept throwing it back up," Taylor explained bending down pushing Alex's hair out of her face. "Ok, I'll have Doctor David Johnson to find out what's wrong." Emma replied in a mono tone. "I'm going to need another stretcher over here, quickly!" Emma shouted over to the remaining soldiers. They nodded and ran her way with another stretcher. Once Alex stopped being sick, Emma gently set her on the stretcher. "Don't worry babe we're going home now," Emma cooed then kissed her left hand. The soldiers carried Alex over to the other soldiers with supplies to clean her up a little.

"Ok everyone let's go." The queen exclaimed and started walking.

"Taylor, thanks," Emma said softly and smiled then walked away leaving Taylor standing beside her sister Nicole. Nicole and Taylor both silently followed behind Emma stealing glances of each other. Taylor gave a small smile to Nicole then Nicole returned the smile with a faint blush starting on her cheeks.



"Mom, Mom where's Laura? A voice called through the darkness, Janine searched for the person looking for Laura. She knew the voice but she couldn't place it to a person. Janine heard footsteps running her way still unsure to whom they belonged too. "Toni? Toni is that you?" Janine asked worried. She was so run down with all of the beatings but she was finally able to break free of the cell. She had decided to use the pack link and contact her daughters Toni, Jessica and Cathy.

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