Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

Taylor's P.O.V

I actually felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders when we rode out of Hallowed Grove's castle grounds. The date has only just begun and I'm already enjoying myself, mostly because I'm with Nicole, if it were anyone else I wouldn't of shown up but I've finally gave into myself and realized that I like Nicole more than a friend should. I don't care though she makes me feel safe and happy with myself.

We were trotting along the cobblestone about ten minutes away from the castle, I loved this feeling of freedom and it's all thanks to the beautiful woman in front of me. I watched as the trees pass by me then gaze at Nicole as I get an idea. I gently kick my heels into Midnight making her go a little faster trotting up beside Nicole and Mandy. Nicole looked like she was deep in thought so I lightly push her right shoulder, grin at her and kick my heels into Midnight again only a little harder and dash away, I look behind my shoulder and see Nicole with a smile plastered onto her face from ear to ear racing after us. I lean forward on Midnight to help her go faster and pull the reigns left one eighty degrees and trot towards Nicole smiling at her.

I pull Midnight to a stop, "Can I take you to my secret place?" Nicole asks shyly with her head tilted. I nod my head yes, "Yeah sure, where is it?" I ask curiously but Nicole tries to old back a smile and shakes her head no, "You'll have to find out, if I told you it wouldn't be much of a secret then. But the location stays between you and me, okay?" She replies excitement lacing her sensual voice. I nod yes then she kicks Mandy and starts her into a fast trot then turns left through the forest of trees. I follow quickly behind laughing at her sudden outburst. 'How could I not fall for this girl?' I question myself grinning at her. I quickly take my place beside her as we continue our private journey to her secret place for another ten minutes. We chatted about random subjects and I learned a few little details about her as did she about me. I was about to ask her how this evening had been until she stopped and smiled at me, "We're here."

I hopped down off Midnight then walked around to Nicole, she was looking around the area as if she was remembering something. I reach my hands up to lift her down, "C'mon Nicky." I say happy then she lets me hold her waist as she puts her hands on my shoulders and I lift her down off Mandy. I set her down and look into her eyes, I cannot help but smile and pull her closer. "So how has this evening been so far?" I whisper closing the gap between us, we both let out shaky breathes, I love being this close to her but a little closer would send me to cloud nine. "It's been great, but it has barely even begun." She whispers back then leans in and kisses my left cheek then removes herself from my hold around her. I already miss her warmth. She takes a hold of Mandy's reigns and walks her over to a nearby tree, she ties her reigns to a branch beside loads of grass, pets her snout and hair then walks back to me as I finish doing the same with Midnight. She takes a hold of my hand and blushes, "C'mon this way."

She leads me over to an area lined with a lot of thick leaved bushes, she ducks down and whispers 'manifesta te mihi' and pushes some of the bushes out of her way then beckons for me to follow. I do the same as her and begin to hear the sound of trickling water. I move closer to Nicole as she extends her hand to help me up. She smiles and guides me further into the beautiful secluded area. I turn to look at Nicole only to see her gazing back at me smiling slightly then looking away and walking over to a nearby tree then sitting down patting the ground beside her. I continue to take in my surroundings while getting closer to Nicole. I take my spot next to Nicole as she smiles and playfully nudges me, I nudge her back and begin to giggle with her. We continue to fool around then settle down and rest against the trunk of the tree."What is this place?" I ask, before she whispered those weird words by the bushes I never heard any running water, seen any tall trees or any of this space, it looked normal. She takes my hand, stands in front of me smiling as she walks back. 'A perfect night with a perfect girl', we walk side-by-side holding hands. I eventually spot the source of the water, a cascading waterfall into a mesmerizing basin of clear blue water.

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