Chapter Seven: Argument

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        They locked me up. I am unarmed, injured, and locked up. I silently seethe in my chair as I wrap my shin. At least it only stung a bit when I cleaned it. That seems to be the only good thing that has come of this. I limp around the room to look around.
        The room is nicer than any I have been in in a long time. The walls are a dark red, the floors are dark wood, and the furniture matches. Very organized. Few pictures scattered about. Most of them family pictures, I don't look at them closely once I realize what they are. There is a flat screen TV in the little lounge are. The bathroom is also nice, done in blues. It has a large bathtub and also a shower.
        I loose interest in looking around so I plop down on the couch. I twiddle a few strands of my hair between my fingers. Not doing something has me on edge. I'm not used to being still. And I don't like it. Rogues are out there right now with answers I need. Being here is stopping me from getting them. Why can't these werewolves understand that I need to be out there? It's not like I've spent the last ten years killing rogues for nothing.
        "Ten years are down the drain because of those...." I trail off with a snarl. There is a knock on the door and I get into a crouched position on instinct. I straighten up and glare at the door. I'm not answering that door. In fact, I'm going to throw this... book at who ever tries to come in. I have the book from the coffee table ready to be thrown as the door unlocks.
        The book flies through the air and almost hits the persons nose. But he has fast reflexes and ducks his head back. I snarl once again. Axel.
        "You know that could have hit me." Axel informs me. I swing my legs off the couch and onto the ground. Maybe if I tackle him, he will hit his head and be knocked out, allowing me to escape. I look to my leg. That won't work in my favor. He just had to shoot me!
        "That was kind of the point." I reply. Axel sets a tray on the small table and sits across from me. He leans back and crosses his arms, I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees, and glare.
        "I brought you some food." He says, gesturing towards the tray. I take a whiff, soup. I am unwilling to accept anything from him. Axel raises an eyebrow at me and I frown at him. "It's not poisoned. If that's what you think."
        I continue to stare him down for a few more moments. If it wasn't for the fact that I haven't ate in four days, I would reject the soup. But I am starving. No adrenaline is running now that I am not planning to attack the rogues or attacking the rogues and I finally realize that is really has been days since I last ate. So, I take the soup. He looks far too smug right now.
        "Shut up." I growl at him. Axel just sends me a smile as I eat. I set the empty bowl on the tray and stare at Axel since he won't stop looking at me.
        "Now listen up, I need to be out of here." I tell him, hoping he actually hears me.
        "Because I need to. That's why. And every minute I am here, They have a chance...." I trail off, regretting I said so much because no he is giving me a look wanting more.
        "They have a chance to what?" He inquires, leaning forward. I narrow my eyes at him.
        "Nothing. The point is I have important things that to do that I can't do here. People to kill and all." I remark, enjoying when his eyes widen at the last sentence. Then he frowns.
        "That is not funny." Axel informs me. I am tempted to smile at the fact I annoyed him but refrain.
        "It was too." I retort.
        "I will pretend to consider letting you leave when you actually give me a reason." He tells me. I openly frown at the annoying man. Conversing is something I do not like to do. Whenever I talk to someone I am usually putting a sharp object in them and waiting for them to tell me what I want to know. And this man has taken away my blades.
        "How old are you?" Axel asks out of no where.
        "You look young." He says with a shrug.
        "I'm old enough to kill." I reply as I cross my arms. Axel frowns at me like that was not the point. That is what he was getting at. He was pointing out that I am young to be the Rogue Hunter.
        "Its going to be impossible to have a conversation with you, won't it?" Axel realizes.
       "Ah, you finally notice." I voice sarcastically.
       "Are you willing to tell me anything? Your age? How you became the famous Rogue Hunter?" He questions.
        "Oh, I'm under sixty, over ten. And I killed some rogues and picked up the name." I inform him with a straight face.
        "Kris, can you give a little?" Axel requests with a sigh.
        "Axel, I am a rogue. I don't know what you expect from a rogue. You are talking to a famous killer. I don't do small talk. I don't want to be here. I need to be out there. That is where I belong. How long have I been on the Councils list?"
        "I don't know, five years?" He says. I look him dead in his blue eyes.
        "I have been killing them for ten years, Axel. Ten years." I tell him. I am hoping this scares him into letting me go. "I am not your mate. I am the faceless Rogue Hunter. I have never looked for my mate and I don't want to find him. I am not your mate. Now, I demand you let me leave."
        "I don't believe that. One, you are too young to have been doing this ten years, I would not even have been old enough to kill. Two, everyone wants to find their mate. They complete one another. And no, I can't let you leave." My goddess, he is infuriating! I snarl at Axel.

        "How old are you?" I ask.
        "Twenty-four." Axel answers.
        "Fourteen is not too young to kill. I was younger." I reply. His eyes widen a bit.
        "Younger than fourteen when you started being the Rogue Hunter?" Axel inquires.
        "At least I now know you are younger than me." He comments. I just told him I started killing as a child younger than fourteen and all he takes from that is that I am younger than him. I have always suspected that the males of our species were the dumber ones and I believe that Axel just proved me right. I just stare at him, have alpha's really fallen that far since my pack died?
        "Do you want anything? More food or something?" Axel asks me.
        "A way out of here." I reply to the annoying man. Axel once again frowns at me. He seems to do that a lot. Maybe I annoy him as much as he does me.
        "Goodnight, Kris." He says, leaving the room. I hear him lock the door and I slump into the cushions. Damn the males! Damn the packs! And certainly damn the Council!

Word Count: 1,274
Date Published: 7/20/16
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A/N I am staying at my brothers tonight and tomorrow to help them pack and help take care of my neice. I'll try to update tomorrow, but I'm pretty busy. There should be another update Friday if I don't update tomorrow. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

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