Melted Like Chocolate

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When you say you don't know what you want, do you really mean it? Or are you just saying that because you do know what you want but you are scared that it isn't available? Harry knows what he wants! But the question is…. Is it available?

"Harry dear," Mrs. Weasley started, "Do you need me to wash your Hogwarts robes for you?"

"Oh Mrs. Weasley you don't"- he was cut off by a stern look from Mrs. Weasley letting him know that he really didn't have a choice.

"That would be great. Thanks!" Harry replied trying to sound enthusiastic, but feeling that he did not succeed.

Harry had practically been raised by the Weasleys but he had always felt like an intrusion. Now that he was in his 6th year at Hogwarts and had a house that was given to him by his godfather, he was thinking that he was going to tell the Weasleys that he would no longer take up space in their already over-crowded house. I mean let's be honest 7 kids? They need all the space they can get! Though, not all of their children live with them anymore, only Fred, George, Ron, and their only daughter Ginny.

Ginny. Red hair that smells like flowers. Brown eyes that could melt someone like chocolate. A personality as bubbly as Moaning Myrtle's bathtub. And a voice as sweet as she is herself. Harry had known her since he was eleven and she was ten. Ginny had had a little immature crush on Harry when they were younger, and Harry thought nothing of it, but now that they were both older and it seemed that Ginny had moved on, he was questioning whether he should have jumped at the chance to get to know her better a long time ago. Ginny was one of the most popular and beautiful girls at Hogwarts. She was known by everyone, whether it was a good or bad reason, they all knew who she was. Only about to start her 5th year, Ginny had almost all of the 5th,6th,and 7th year boys falling all over her all of the time.

As Harry walked up the stairs to retrieve his dirty robes, he was thinking about Ginny. Then the door on the second landing opened just a tiny little bit. Suddenly a brown eye peered its way through the crack. It was Ginny's eye. Harry was startled at first, but then he was melted like chocolate.

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