Challenge 1: Colour

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Hello, and welcome to the first challenge!
This chapter will be colour!
'Colour?' you may ask.
Yes, colour indeed!
This week I will give you a colour, and you must incorporate the colour into the characters and mood. You may also incorporate the colour visually if you'd like. :D
If you don't understand, I'll give you an example. (Of course the colour in this example will not be used in the contest.)

Jasmine's fiery red hair matched her blood soaked clothes, the knife planted in his chest stained with his dying blood. Her power was overwhelming and she was soon off to get Carmen.

This wasn't the best example, but as seen above the mood was menacing, the character was powerful, and I visually incorporated the colour red.
If you feel like joining in on the first challenge, say, "yes" or whatever to let me know.

Challenge start: This Saturday
Challenge End: Next Saturday, 8:00 P.M and I will judge Sunday

I hope you have fun and good luck!

EDIT: I forgot to mention! If you do partake in this, post independently and tag me in it. :D

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