Zorgareth's Backstory/Introduction to Beacon - "Shine" ~Jeff Williams

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I was born to two ex-hunters in a small village on the border of Vacuo and Vale. They ran an all-around repair shop and I learned some crafting skills from my father and learned basic survival techniques from my mother. We lived a good life. We had no enemies that I thought we had, we didn't live in poverty. All was well 'till one day, I was nine building a helping robot in my "secret" workshop I had in the basement of the shop. A group of four men in what I assume to be White Fang uniforms, and leading them is a man wearing a dark green trench coat with black top hat, and a black and white three-piece suit under the trench coat, and a black cane. My father obviously knew who he was because he stepped back and said "How did you get out?" I was peaking from the hatch that lead to the basement. The man in the trench coat pulled out a blade from within his cane and aimed it at his throat. My mother came down from the second story and gasped from surprise and ran back upstairs to grab a weapon I presume. The trench coat man sent two men after her up the stairs. "How did you get out of jail Kingsly?" my father said as Kingsly moved in closer. I jumped from the hatch and pulled out my revolver and aimed it at his head. Remember I am nine and I AIMED the gun not PUT IT AGAINST HIS HEAD and yes I have a revolver that shoots dust cartridges as ammo and I'm nine, deal with it. One of the two White Fang henchmen knocked the revolver out of my hand while the other one got a hold on me. The other two came back down with my mother in their arms and she has cuts and bruises on her face! When my father noticed this, he grabbed Kingsly's sword with his hand and punched him in the face with his other hand. I bit the arm of the man who held me and ran to somehow tackle Kingsly, but he turned around and backhanded me across the room before I could get close to him. I was knocked out from the backhand, but when I woke up I saw both of my parents on the ground covered in blood. I saw my father move and ran toward him he whispered "Go to the shed in the forest and in the shed you will find all the things you will need." Then he died right in my blood-soaked arms with tears on his face. As I looked up to see where Kingsly ran off to I saw him through window. He had a capsule of fire dust and threw it and set the shop on fire. I retreated to the basement as fast as I can and made it just in time. I waited for hours for the fire to stop and once I came out of the basement I was surrounded by ashes of what once was a beautiful repair shop that helped hundreds of merchandise and gadgets. To see it now all in ashes made me cry with rage as I hated Kingsly and the White Fang for what they did to my family. I did what my father told me and reached the overgrown shed. It had a lock on the door but I picked it pretty easily. Along its rusted walls are cabinets full of old textbooks. In the middle of the shed is a large old wooden chest. I opened the chest and it contained card that has a label that says "100,000 lien", an old 1851 colt navy in its holster with a medium sized boxed full of ammunition, and a black sword with its scabbard, plus an acceptance letter from Beacon Academy. I went back to the remains of the shop, grabbed some bags and returned to the shed and packed everything in the shed and put the holster and scabbard on me. I returned to the ashes once more to gather some workshop supplies and activated the helper bot. It was functional as I thought and we ventured into the wild. Since I have other family I started traveling straight to Beacon Academy. It took six years to arrive at Beacon and during that amount of time, I honed my mechanical, survival, sword fighting, gun slinging, and fistticuffs skills. When I finally reached Beacon I felt relief wash over my body, then I remembered my father... and... I discarded the memory and walked in through its double doors. Not a few steps later, I bump into this guy, and we both end up on our rumps. We stared at each-other for a solid minute, before we burst out laughing. His hair seemed to be made of flames, and he gave a deep laugh from his gut. He gave me a smirk and said, "Hey, name's Arsen, and no, I won't burn down the school." I started laughing hard again, and asked, "People really ask that to the point where you have to say it?" He gave a sad smile, and put his hand out towards me. I took it, and we were both back to standing up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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