(8) "Closure"

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Norrie's P.O.V


 I wasn't able to sleep, I mean who would be able to sleep knowing that your cousin hates you because her crush loves you. "Sleep Norrie Sleep" I whispered as I buried my face under the pillow. If only Katie made it clear on the first place that Brad's off limits then I would have kept my distance. I hate the fact that we're at war because of a stupid boy, this is so not like me.

 Someone suddenly started knocking at the door, I opened it and saw Auntie smiling at me. "Good Morning" I said and she basically said the same thing and asked me to go downstairs because someone wants to talk to me. "Who is it?" I asked her as we reached the living room, she then pointed at the massive screen of the computer and I saw Mom on Skype.

 "Mom?" I asked and then she smiled. I can see tears in her eyes that's why my heart just broke. I thought I can handle our situation but as it turns out I can't. "I miss you Norrie" she uttered as I sat on the chair to talk to her. I turned around and saw that Auntie made her way back to the kitchen.

 "I miss you too Mom" I said as she wiped her tears away.

 "Why are you crying?"

 "I don't know. I just talked to your Aunt and she said all these nice things about you. Norrie, please come back. I miss you so much, don't worry .. you're father and I have already settled everything. He moved out yesterday and he said he wishes to talk to you as soon as you get back" she said. I can't explain how happy I am at that moment, finally something good came out after a long series of fights.

 "Are you sure Mom? Is it really over?"

 "Yes" she replied. I really wanna go home now, mainly because I wanna be with my mom but then knowing what's going on in here , makes things more complicated than usual.

 "So are you going home?" she asked. I felt the excitement on her voice, finally I can hear the happy side of her again and that is more than enough for me to go home.


 "So when are you going back?"

 "The day after tomorrow?"

 "Okay" she said. We spent the next few minutes talking about random stuffs and then she said she has to go and so the Skype session ended.

 I was about to go to my room when someone knocked on the front door. I opened it and saw Brad. "Hey" he said and then smiled. My heart sunk, what am I gonna do?


Brad's P.O.V


 Norrie's face is flushed when she saw me and I don't kow if that's a good sign or not. "Hi" she uttered in the most awkward way possible. I know it's my fault as to why she's acting like this, maybe she doesn't feel the same about me.

 She then got our and closed the door behind her. "What do you want? Katie's not awake yet" she asked. "I came here to talk to you actually, I wanna settle things between us" I said, I really wanna tell her that if she doesn't feel the same , it's okay. At least by then I know I did everything I could.

 "About that. You're joking right?" she asked.

 "Do I sound like I'm joking?"


 "I just wanna ask you if you feel something .. about me"

 "Brad" she said and then sighed.

 "I know. I'm sorry"

 "Don't be. I do like you too , a lot actually" she said and my heart just exploded in happiness. I really love Norrie , it's as strange as love is itself but I do like her a lot.

 "Then why are you trying to avoid me?"

 "I'm not. Brad, summer's about to end , you just can't expect me to stay right? And besides, Katie likes you a lot and I don't want to spoil your friendship. You've known each other for waaay to long for me to interfere"

 "Katie's like my little sister you know that"

 "I know. But If being with you hurts her in the process, I'd rather not to" she said and then opened the door again.

 "That's it? You're gonna sacrifice what you feel just so she won't get hurt?"

 "Yes Brad. I will" she replied and then went inside and closed the door ... leaving me outside.

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