The Paths crossing encounter

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3AM and the alarm clock woke me up. Alright, time to prep up I wouldn't want to be late for my early flight back to New York. I'm catching the first flight to JFK and it's time for me to say goodbye to this wonderful 2-week backpacking adventure around Asia. My last stop is here in the beautiful country of Thailand. This 2-week adventure means so much to me and it had been wonderful... quite pleasant to say the least. This is my last chance to go on such an adventure before I embrace the new life. You see, I just got engaged to this most wonderful man I fell in love with some years ago, this wonderful man who I adored and who I wanted to give my all. I have been the adventurous type. It's great to always take risks but I reached the point in my life that I just thought, this is it, I need to lay back and enjoy being with him and I am so excited at the thought of starting our own family together. It will be wonderful. This 2-week backpacking adventure I did on my own is my way of saying goodbye to the hard-core kind of life. I enjoyed it, I recommend it, but somehow I have to say goodbye to it... at least not in the same level as I enjoy it. My fiance' is not much of an outgoing type. He loves candlelit dinners, watching movies and living a laid back kind of life. I adore him though we are quite opposites. He allowed me this journey because he knew I needed it. I cannot thank him enough and now I am ready to be the future Mrs. Kellington. Oh how excited I am to go home.
5:45AM finally I reached the airport. Just plenty of time for the flight to JFK. I have roughly around 2 hours to check-in so I don't need to hurry. Security screening area and I unloaded my bags for x-ray. I have 2 luggages and a hand bag. I accidentally dropped my hand bag as I was placing them onto the security x-ray screening machine. Then I saw friendly hands quickly trying to catch my bag before it reaches the ground. I looked at the stranger beside me who was friendly enough to help me and I saw these beautiful blue eyes that felt oh so familiar to me but in a stranger's face.
"Here you go, ms. here's your hand bag." said the man.
"Thank you." I answered.
Then as I looked at him and him looking at me, I just felt this sudden burst of emotions I never really felt before. I just felt home. Like, this guy in front of me is home. I couldn't understand it. I was drawn to him but at the same time I know he's just a stranger. I gotta snap out of this, this is quite embarrassing feeling this way he may notice.

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