Young Kings... And Queens

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"I love you" King Said. I froze. I'll admit I was startled. Even Shocked. But what was worst of all. I wasn't going to say it back. Because, what I felt for him right now, in this moment, wasn't love. When I replayed all the hurt I went through. It wasn't love. When he had the audacity to cheat, IT WASN'T LOVE. So excuse me, if I have to break his itty bitty heart. "King I- AHHHHH" I started but was cut off with a contraction. I wondered why my water hadn't broke then I thought back to the worker that said there was amneotic fluid on the floor earlier before he cleaned up. I collapsed on my side. Part of me thought that this was a perfect time for the twins to come because now I could avoid having to let King down. Damn, I still can't believe that I STILL lost my V-Card to him. What a surprise.





I watched her collapse. Her eyelids looked as if they were closing. She was passing out from the pain. I screamed for help. We put her in the Black Escalade and rolled to the hospital. She seemed unconscious by the time we got there. Even after our countless efforts to keep her awake. I was scared shitless. I knew that this wouldn't be her ideal way of giving birth. The doctors prepped her for birth. I watched the entire time. They pulled out the first baby then pulled out ANOTHER. I stood there mouth agape. I didn't even know what to name my kids. Then the idea popped into my head... I'm going to name my kids after the names the man gave me in the dream. "Sir want to know the sex?" The doctor asked "Yeah sure" I shrugged. "Well you sir, you are the proud parent to a son and daughter" he said smiling. It was as if the person in the dream knew I was having a son and daughter because they gave perfect names "I would like to name them...Kairo Raphael and Raquel Kierra" I said proudly.





I can't believe we almost killed our sister. I'm freaking out. What if she hates me? What if she tries to kill me? What if she never speaks to me again? I'm like, definitely going to win the world's worst brother award. I hate myself. Now she's in there having a baby and shit. I wonder who the pappy is? This should be interesting I guess I just hope she wakes up out of this because people are terrified out here. Shit, not only am I terrified,  I feel even guiltier than before.





I feel like a dumb ass. On some real shit. Like, how do you not recognize your sister? Am I that fucking retarded? I need to go back to school. Shit, enroll in college. SOMETHING 





I listen to the beaps and clicks of the hospital machines. I try to open my heavy eyes but they won't allow me to. I try to sit up and I can't. I even try to cry just to hear some type of sound other than this now irritating beep. Part of me feels that my children are no longer in my stomach. I don't know how I know. But people usually say, "A mother's intuition is never wrong" I guess now I notice. Then suddenly I'm washed into another wave of darkness, but before I can fully process what's going on, I came to the conclusion "I'm in a coma"








Listen, I'm coming out with ANOTHER story soon, they will all be coming in the later months. Actually, I would reccomend you check them out and comment and vote. This is just something short and sweet for yall, half a fish beat and empty dish, so appreciate what I'm tryna give Na mean?

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