Chapter 3 High School

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It is now the first day of school at the high school. I havent seen Austin in 3 months im very scared to see him last time I did I found out he had a crush on me. What am I going to do when I see him? What will I say? How will I acked?

"Bells and Nessy get up for school it is your first day" our dad says.

"Ok dad" me and Renesmee say at the same time back to him. We gigle a little then get out of our separate beds and walk to our shared closet.

"What do you think will happen when we see the boys" I say looking at Renesmee who is holding up a dress infront of me to see how it will look obviously.

"I really dont know I mean im still shocked and it has been 3 months" Renesmee says

When we arive at school I walk into my first class and we have no assigned seats. Then I see Austin sitting in the back corner of the classroom. The seat next to him is empty. I start to walk toward him our eyes meet and I freeze.

"Hi Bella how are you" Austin says to me with that cute voice.

"Ok look im not like you I can't pretend I didnt hear you say you liked me or that you were asking your brother for advice on how to talk to me" I say angrily.

"So you dont like me back like that and you would never date me" he says curiously.

"That is not what I said" I say back calmly.

Then we sit in silence for the rest of the day.

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