The Plane Ride

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I clenched onto the arm rest of my seat for safety as the plane got quicker and quicker on the runway. I closed my eyes as it got so fast and lifted off into the foggy air. The way the plane tilted made me tilt as I shook like mad. I did NOT like planes at ALL. soon the plane was fine up in the air flying high. I breathed in the cold air as i slipped my headphones on listening to 'Cake By The Ocean by DNCE'. Hours went by as I slept, read books, listened to music and all sorts. 

"May all passengers be seated from now onwards and buckled ready for landing, thank you for flying Thomson and we look forward to seeing you again soon, I've been your captain Evan Smith" A loud voice boomed out of speakers. He sounded like he had fled in his throat so I could barely make out what he was saying. The 

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