The Badboy & New Beginnings

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I’d been through a bad phase. I couldn’t think straight…I was confused. Jason saved me. The one person I thought would laugh at my pain or run away saved me. I sat on the couch I’d seen many many times before and winced at the pain in my side. Jason left the room and came back in what felt like hours with a load of stuff. He had bandages and alcohol and stuff, and junk food. He also had CD’s. I smiled, but that hurt, too. “Thank you, Jason.” I said after moments of silently watching him doctor me, an Oreo in my hand and a juice pouch in the other. We decided to watch Chainletter, which sucked. He didn’t reply, though. I pouted, staring at my feet. Jason was done, so he sat a distance away from me. He looked sad…like he was thinking about something he couldn’t say. I never asked what. It seemed like a touchy subject.

The next day at school things were finally going smooth. Jason and I were dating; dating like a regular high school couple. He was all I needed, since my friends ditched me for the new girl who came when I was absent. I tried my best to avoid her; new girl equals new drama and we all know that’s 100% the truth. It seemed lke she was out to get me though…trying to talk to me and when I made it obvious I wanted nothing to do with her she made it obvious that she was trying to make me look bad. I’ve been earning so many gazes of pity and remorse. So many it’s ridiculous.

One thing that irked me to death is the fact that Jason and I barely even hug or anything in public. I bet if I asked, no one would know that we’re dating. I rolled my eyes at that thought, flipping a page in my book. “Are you---okay now?” A familiar voice asked. “I don’t think okay can ever describe me.” I replied. It was Danny. “I understand…” He replied. “Stay tuned for more drama ‘cause I think this new girl added it to her latte and is totally ready to spit it out.” I explained. “Weird, but very true metaphor, but very weird.” I  half smiled. Danny grinned. My heart almost melted…oh wait, I’m in a secret relationship. Bad, Ryder, really bad. What has gotten into me? I shook my head, clearing the thoughts of Danny. But, then they crept back into my head. What if Jason is doing the same exact thing as I am? I know how he is and loyal is hard to add to the list. I got up and left to the restroom, needing to get away for a moment. “Oh, ,look. It’s Rylie!” A girl who I recognized as Emma Moran pointed out. I began to leave but her friend, Grace stopped me. “Isn’t your name Ryder?” Grace corrected. “Yes.” I simply replied. “Look, we know we might seem intimidating and we might have been mean to you in the past, but I see that you need help. You need girls in your life; you know since most of them forgot you.” Emma was right, but why would she care? “Thanks.” I said. “Now, since its Friday and we don’t do those big parties, how about you sleep over?” Grace asked me.  I thought about it, deeply considering, and said yes, Whoever thought it’d turn out to be one of the best nights of my life?


I know its short and boring, but I think you'll be surprised by the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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