Dave x Karkat Fan Fiction

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Author's Note:

This is my first fan fiction ever, so if you don't like it, I understand.

If you didn't read the title, this is a Dave x Karkat fan fiction. If you don't support this ship or if you don't like yaoi, then don't read it.

I do not own Homestuck. All characters belong to Andrew Hussie.


Your name is Dave Strider, you are a thirteen-year-old eighth grader, and you're in love with Karkat Vantas. Yes, in LOVE. You've felt this way about your fellow classmate for a while now, but you would never admit it to him. Until now.

You arrive at the bus stop and to no surprise Karkat is standing there, waiting for you, just like every other day. But today was going to be much different than any other ordinary day. Today was the day you would confess your love. When you walk up to Karkat and greet him, he glares at you.

"Where have you been?! I've been waiting for 30 minutes!"

You smirk.

"I would have been here sooner, but I had to settle another strife with Bro."

"Any later and you could have missed the bus. You're lucky this time, Strider."

And with that, the conversation ends and you wait in silence until the bus arrives. When you enter the bus, you sit down near the center and Karkat sits beside you. You are the only one's on the bus at the moment and it might stay that way since not very many people take this bus. But after a couple of minutes the bus stops and a girl with black hair and red sunglasses enters. She takes the seat in front of you and Karkat. You hope she doesn't turn around and talk to you because you were about to tell the love of your life how you felt about him.

"Hey, I'm Terezi. What's your name?"

Of course, she does as soon as you start talking to Karkat. Karkat didn't seem very amused by the black-haired girl interrupting their conversation, but he thought he should be polite and introduce himself.

"I'm Karkat and this is Dave."

You just slightly wave your hand and smile at the weird girl. You've seen her before, but she never seemed interested in neither you nor Karkat until now. The girl with the red sunglasses looks over at you.

"I like your shades."

"Thanks, I like yours too."

"Oh, these? I just wear them so no one sees my weird, blind eyes."

Did she just say she was blind? How did she find her way onto the bus? How did she know you were wearing sunglasses? You wonder this while Terezi continues about her blindness.

"I can see through smell and taste."

She has to be joking. This can't possibly be true. Karkat must have been thinking the same thing according to his response.

"Are you joking? That's not possible."

"Oh, but I'm not. I really do see through smelling and tasting."

"Prove it." Karkat said eyeing the blind girl suspiciously.

"Ok, fine." Terezi sniffed the air around Karkat, then around Dave. "You have black hair and brown-red eyes. You're wearing a black turtle neck sweater and grey jeans. Dave has blonde hair and is albino. He's wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with red sleeves with a broken record printed on the front and skinny jeans."

Both you and Karkat sit there in shock at how accurate the blind girl was.

"Was I right?"

"Spot on." You say as the bus arrives at your school.

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