¤Reanna Ines is a 11 year - old girl who studies at St. Paul College Pasig.She's totally obssesed anime and aldub.She loves the colour blue, gray and black.She is kind of a dark person and a funny one too.She does not have a perfect life but wants t...
Yes the title days it all,my sound of rage is the freaking title.NOOOOOOOOOO! school is next week,why does summer need to end?!.No fair for me,well I think that is society these days.My things is officialy ready I just fixed it like 2 hours ago though I fixed it so once it's Monday or Tuesday there are no hussles.(Me in the inside of my head) "DEEP BREATHS ME,DEEP BREATHS IT'S JUST SCHOOL THERE'S NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OFF,EXCEPT THE ANGRY TEACHERS."Well nothing is interesting inside my head except that,I know I said school is boring but if you study at my school,most sixth grade teachers are strict like I feel like in HELL.
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Definetly weird but everybody has that kind of feeling right? No just me?Okay now I feel akward. But 4 or 5 more days before school I don't know I accidentally lost count and short memory span WOOOOPS! but that's just basically me.But the only thing that I am ecxited of school is that I could see my friends again YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!.Well before going to school I would lock myself inside my room,eat food,drink lots of liquid (not too much), spend the rest of the day thinking about my loaf of life,listen to music and spend the rest of the day looking infront of my gadgets.I'm basically having a "FOREVER ALONE" room party because I am forever alone (//cri).Well BYE-BYE!.
Edit:Wondering what kinds of liquid?Well basically just juice,water and softdrinks basically just to forget that there's school.I will do that until Tuesday BTW.