Q & A pt. 2

36 1 22

Q 1

Favorite movie/s?

High School Musical Trilogy and 2012

Q 2

What kind of "GENRE" of music do I listen to?


Q 3

Any hobbies?

Reading , Drawing , Listening to Music , Surfing the web

Q 4

Favorite song?

New Year's Day by Pentatonix

Q 5

Favorite Sport/s?

Badminton , Volleyball , Swimming

Q 6

Favorite Cartoon show?

Fairly Odd Parents

Q 7

Favorite Tv Show/s Series

Cannibal and The Big Bang Theory

Q 8



Q 9

Do I have my period?

Yes since March this year

Q 10

Favorite Color

Blue any shades as long its blue

Q 11

Favorite Food


Q 12

Favorite Anime Character

Gaara from Naruto

Q 13

Embarassing moment

When I was little,we went swimming in a resort after eating lunch,my mom told me to go pee before going back to the pool my babybrother he was 1 year old that time.My mom accompanied him to go to the bathroom while me,I did'nt listen so after a few minutes I accidentally peed at the pool.Worst part is that many people was there like they were staring at me.After that I was SCARRED for 3 months.

Q 14

Worst fear

Being all alone

Q 15

Best memory

When I was in fourth grade I was part of our school's "RECOGNITION DAY"

Q & A done!

Updating later agayn!

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