Dark and bright

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Two colorfull boys, side by side, one of them dark and the other one bright. Both of them charming, both of them great, now there's a question: who will be my fate?


Finn sat down next to me and we smiled at each other. We did not really talk much -he sometimes asked if he could borrow a pencil and then suddenly asked why I labeled all my pencils. I told him about my "condition". He listened very intently and seemed a little surprised. In the middle of my story, I was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of sadness. I had always been different. I've even been bullied because of that.

The first time was in kindergarten. It was the first day, and we had to get to know each other by playing a game. We all sat in a circle on the ground and had to mention our favorite things. So also our favorite color. Of course I didn't have one and when I told that to the other children one of the girls started to laugh. The teacher asked her to stop, but she did not. And soon the other children also began to laugh.

The second time was in elementary school and then about the same thing happened, but without sitting on the floor in a circle. But this time it remained longer. It was so bad that I did not dare go to school at some point.

What would Finn think of me now? Maybe he thought it was weird or worse, he would pity me. But even if that was the case, he did not show it. He just sat there listening quietly and attentively and just looked a little surprised. I just hoped it stayed that way. After the lesson I got up, picked up my flowery backpack from the ground and went outside. Emily was already waiting for me and she looked quite bored, but when she saw me her eyes brightened a bit and she got a smile on her face. I smiled too and walked toward her. "Hey!" Em greeted cheerfully and I became cheerful because of her enthusiasm. "Hay Em. What was the first lesson? "I asked. "Phew, how do you think that went? I had mr.Werdly! "I laughed. Mr. Werdly and Emily had been enemies for a few years since Emily had released the frogs because Mr. Werdly wanted to cut them open for an experiment. He was a biology teacher and was a stern guy with gay hair. "I was not even completely inside or he started ..." Emily went on talking but I didn't listen anymore.

Finn came outside and went to a girl with orangy-blond hair and freckles and a boy with black dreadlocks. The girl was very enthusiasticly telling them about something and the guy with the dreadlocks listened intently. I found him interesting instantly. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and had his hands in his pockets. He had a very casual attitude and at the same time quite tense, as if he was aware of everything going on around him. The girl, however, was just well, enthusiastic. Although she seemed like she could take a beating. Finn did not listen at all and looked like he was somewhere else with his thoughts.

"Danae! Hey? Are you still there? "I heard Emily saying next to me. "Yes, I was just thinking about something else," I said absently. "Yes, I already noticed that" Em answered a little hurt. The bell rang and we had to go to history. I said sorry to my best friend, gave her a kiss on her cheek and went to the toilet. Once there, I looked out if there was no one and then splashed some cold water on my face. Then I hurried to class.

When I came in the classroom I was looking for Finn. I wondered what lessons we had together. When I found him, we just smiled at each other. I saw Em and slipped beside her, and then I got the necessary books out of my flowery backpack. History was one of my favorite subjects because it is one of the few subjects that I was interested in. I also liked chemistry, later I was going te get a job that had something to do with it. My favorite subject was English. I found the class awesome because I sometimes knew more than the teacher, and I was able to correct her. Added to that, the teacher, Ms. Vanni, I also liked me. That was mostly because I wrote and read a lot.

The lesson began and I was immediately listening carefully. It was about the outbreak of the plague in the Middle Ages and again I found it really interesting. Some things that we learned at history I could use in my stories after all. Suddenly a boy entered. He was tall but not too tall and had black hair. He was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. He had a backpack from Nike and a had a grin on his face. Suddenly, I realized something. This was the second person ever I saw in color! Well, this boy's colors were a bit vague, but they were there. It was as if they came from within and wre increasingly blurred when they went to the surface. They seemed to pulsate. It was truly breathtaking. He looked at me with a grin and went to the back. The boy said something to Finn and sat down.

After the lesson I picked up my stuff and put them in my backpack. I saw the new boy with the beautiful colors coming toward me, and when he reached me he said, "Hey, I'm new here and I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the school." I said yes partly because I wanted to be nice because I knew how hard it was to arrive at a new school and not knowing the way, and partly because he intrigued me. His colors were so beautiful and I wanted to know more about him. I blushed like crazy and we walked out. The tour started at the entrance.

"So this is the entrance, but you probably already knew that." I said smiling. "But now we are going to the canteen, it's this way. And I want to give you a warning, the food may look nice, but believe me, it's not "He laughed and said. "Okay, noted "Then I showed him the rest of the school and found out that his name was Damon Briël.

Our last stop was the small square behind the school. There were a few bushes, leading to a path outside the school grounds which also happend to be one of my favorite spots. It was a grass field with a few benches and a statue in the middle. There were few people and I loved to sit here on my own or with Emily and write or read while she drew something in her sketchbook. It was peaceful and quiet. And, moreover, the statue was quite nice. It was a fallen angel who was sitting on one knee as if he had just landed and rested before he stood up again. His face was not clearly visible because he hid it a bit under his arm. And his wings! They were so big and almost seemed real. There was always some sort of energy field around them. They seemed to hum. Why I took over here, I didn't know. It felt like if I would share my secrets, maybe he would share his.

And I really wanted to know them.

Damon watched with open mouth and round eyes hooked at the statue. "Insenriël" he muttered and kept looking at the statue. When I asked what he had said he said nothing and waved it away. Although I did not believe it at all, I let it be. One of those secrets that I wanted to know so desperate. As he looked around, I looked at him and saw that his colors became stronger. I watched mesmerized until he saw it. It was too late to look away and he smiled at me. "Do you like the view?" He asked. "No, I mean yes, I mean eeh forget it." I mumbled embarrassed. Before I knew it I had already blurted out the words. "You just have pretty colors" "What do you mean?" He asked, and I was angry at myself because I had told him that. "You just have pretty colors," I said. He laughed. "Thanks for the compliment, I guess?" "I'm colorblind." Was my answer, and I saw that his eyes widened in disbelief. "But that is impossible. That's not possible. "He said under his breath. His perpetual grin faded and Damon got a confused expression on his handsome face. "I have to go." He said, and left me alone. I sat on the grass with my back against the statue. Its shadow covered me completely. I did not understand what had just happened, but Damon had left me here, confused and alone with my thoughts.



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