The Rogues | Zouis, Zarry, Niam [Coming soon]

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Okay, yes we're starting yet another story. BUT, IT HAS NIAM. It was originally supposed to be all Zayn centered, but we decided to spice it up a bit instead.
But basically, this idea came to us this summer when we visited Australia because we decided to watch the movie Jaws while we were there and voila, an idea popped to our heads. By the way, this is a very strange story and this chapter is highly confusing, but the next chapter explains what happens in this one (although I'm not sure when the next chapter shall be updated since the story is still put as 'Coming Soon')
Slightly inspired by the movie 'Fanboys'

  They don’t know how it came to this exactly. And to be honest, they weren’t quite sure why they were even doing this. But something in them ached for adventure, and it all ended like this. With one simple decision and a plan was already on.

  It wouldn’t be too hard. At least they hoped so. There were only a few steps they had to remember, but when they were over Zayn and Louis could finally get to business.

  They talked about it for a long time. It was by far the weirdest idea Louis William Tomlinson has ever gotten, but good god it was also the best. And the best part is; there was only one rule. They could only take five. No more, no less, just five. And to be honest they weren’t sure if what they hoped to do was even possible, but they prayed for it until the day it finally came to life.

  Their plan wasn’t the most solid one. It was very old school and not bullet proof, but the thing is that all those police officers in movies are always smarter than they are in real life, so there was a pretty good chance that their plan would succeed, and to be honest they didn’t even care. If they were sent to prison it would just be an adventure. I mean sure, they were two frighteningly good looking males so the likes of them being raped there were about 100% but that wouldn’t really be a problem because those two have always got a plan. Or, well, Zayn always has a plan. Louis just sits there and waits for his demand. But either way it works perfectly for them both, and that’s all that matters, really.

  The only thing that was making them a bit nervous was that this plan wasn’t even a plan. It was a highly illegal, absolutely mad, idea that they had one day as they were sitting in front of the TV, watching reruns of old movies in which they wish could come to live. As was said before, it was Louis’ idea -it’s always Louis’ idea- but Zayn was the one who agreed and put the things on the table, so he was no less innocent nor mad than the other one. And the thing about Zayn and Louis is that when a situation like this occurs they get a bit too excited. When I said that they were nervous I mean nervous as in ‘Fuck this is the best thing that has ever happened to me’ type of nervous. After all, Zayn and Louis don’t do nervous. They do sad, they do excited, they do angry, but they do not do nervous.

  And even now, as they stepped out of the car breathing heavily, they couldn’t help but smile, taking in the atmosphere. Even looking at each other made them want to crack up. They didn’t even recognize the person standing there. Zayn. His skin was pearly white, caked with makeup and eyes topped with blue lenses -which, to be honest, wasn’t as uncomfortable as he’d thought. He hadn’t shaved for about a month, and in a way he looked like Ashton Kutcher on crack. His hair was completely slicked back, and he had a trashy blue cap placed backwards on his head, giving him a slight headache from all the tugging it did. Right under his eyes he had there dark, horrendous, circles which were not too defined to not be real, and it looked like he hadn’t slept for weeks. Which was exactly the look he was going for.

  Louis, on the other hand, was changed in whole different ways. They somehow managed - with a little help from friends - to get a hand on one of those Hollywood pregnancy bellies, and they put it on Louis, making sure to stretch it and form it until it looked like he was just any other overweight man. Also, with the help of another friend, they came across a golden colored one tooth grill, and placed it somewhere it wasn’t too obvious, but still not over looked. He too had his hair slicked back completely, but unfortunately he hadn’t been gifted with the talent of fast beard growth, so instead they decided to give him a bit of a makeover. They put this wig on his head which contained shoulder length curly hair, giving them the Tom Hanks in Cast Away feel, and the best part was that the hair was blonde, making Louis look absolutely ridiculous. And - just for the fun of it - they added some miniature beard too, blond to be exact, so he pretty much looked like a billionaire who went through bankruptcy and now lived in a small house somewhere in Detroit.

The Rogues | Zouis, Zarry, Niam [Coming soon]Where stories live. Discover now