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We hate to tell you this, but we have to. We wanted to wait for about a week before we were sure we had to let you know. It would be really unfair of us to not do it.

Basically the story is that we let our little brother have our computer about three weeks ago while we were going to a small family party for the ones over 18 and since we are 17 they let it pass. But basically, since he was feeling sad for being left alone with another of our siblings we had to give him our computer. When we came home at like 2 in the night our little brother was sobbing on top of our bed and we panicked and noticed that he had a huge cut on his hand BECAUSE he dropped a full glass of water on top of our computer. The glass broke and water went all over our computer and he had freaked out and tried to dry it off with a cloth but he cut his finger and yeah. Cut his finger and ruined our computer completely (which he was so sorry about that he started crying a lot and it was all horrible).

What we're saying is that our computer is ruined along with about 18 yet to be updated chapters from a couple of our stories (6-7 chapters that we didn't update of The Rogues because we wanted got have some unpublished material for lazy days) and that means that we can't write anything. We can't use the our family computer because we ALL use that and we can't write fanfic on it incase anybody sees. The bad part of it all is that we have no idea when we might possibly get a new computer. Could be two months, could be more. We have no clue. So we have no idea when we'll able to update again, if ever.

But that wont stop us from reading other's material or being on social sites on our phones.

If you want to speak to us about anything, just contact us on here or on our tumblr and we'll try to get back to you.

We're so sorry guys and wish this could go another way, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do.

~ Siren&Aphrodite

The Rogues | Zouis, Zarry, Niam [Coming soon]Where stories live. Discover now