Chapter 6: First Kiss

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{Ruby's POV}

I woke up to the sound of arguing. I got up and walked out my door, only to then remember I sleep in a bra and cut off booty short leggings. I didn't mind so I just kept walking downstairs.

"What is all this bickering going on down here, I was trying to sleep!" I exclaimed.

All the boys stopped and stared at me, looking me up and down like I was a unicorn or something.

"What the fuck are you wearing?! Go change, now!" Jeff said.

"No!" I said, "it's my body!"

All the other boys were in awe over me.

"Hey little sis, good to see you again," Liu said.

He'd been gone at his own place away from the mansion for a while. He barely visits anymore. I hugged him tightly.

"Good to see you again to bro," I said.

He smiled. Jeff glared at him and he glared back. Jeff pulled me to him.

"You don't deserve to call yourself her brother anymore. You're never here. I'm here for her 24/7 and you're not here at all. When, since she came back, have you come and visited, or gave gifts, or met up with her, or invited her to your house. Never. So fuck off," He said.

I sighed and walked away, only to be followed by about six drooling boy's. Including BEN until he saw I noticed him and backed off trying to stay chill. LJ was staring entrancingly but he was trying to be cool about it so he just went and leaned against the door, watching in case anything happened. EJ was no where to even be seen.

"Damn Ruby, you look hotttt," Masky said.

I blushed a bit at the compliment. Then all the boys started arguing about whose I was. BEN sat on the couch and played Mario Kart annoyed with all the other boys.

LJ walked up to me and said, "You look really beautiful."

I actually blushed.

"Thanks," I said, smiling.

He nodded and walked away continuing to glance at me slightly.

"OK BOYS. ENOUGH. GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Jeff yelled, grabbing his knife.

All the boys scurried out of the room scared, except BEN, who just kept playing his game, and LJ, who just sat on the floor and ate candy glancing at me. I grabbed a remote, plugged it in and battled BEN in a race on Mario Kart. Then Jeff and LJ joined in. Liu went upstairs to talk to Slender about something going on in the woods apparently. I beat all of them every time.



LJ just sat there amused.

"After you went psycho nutso I got into gaming and even started a gaming channel and played with friends of mine," I explained.

"Oh. Damn that's cool," Jeff said.

I smiled and nodded. I looked at LJ. He was staring at me. Once he saw me looking, he smiled lightly and looked away, blushing. I laughed lightly. He's kinda cute sometimes, especially when he blushes. Jeff and Ben left to go killing and I was alone in the living room with LJ. I sat really close to him as we watched things on TV. I felt myself starting to get tired and I rested my head on him. I felt him tense up and he looked at me. I looked back up at him. We sat there for a moment before he leaned in and closed the gap between us, kissing me. I was shocked but melted into the kiss and kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he layed me back on to the couch deepening the kiss. He placed his hands on my hips, slowing placing them under my shirt onto my waist. It all felt so right and so good but then I snapped into reality. I didn't want it to end but I pushed him off of me. I looked at him for a second before running off to my room. I didn't understand my feelings anymore. I drifted off to sleep soon.

(705 words)

Rose Red {Jeff And Liu's Sister X Creepypasta} Where stories live. Discover now