Follower yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok so members  of this club ...I need a name to call all of you, what should it be? I'll figure out later or you guys can make suggestions on what to call you, it's your club too. So everyone come to the woods at night, why at night you might say? Because we are looking for someone that might be in there roaming around at night. Who? You ask. I'm glad to tell you about it......

Name: Fox
Against bullying: OH MY GOSH YES.
Bullied: I was a few years ago, but luckily it stopped
About me: Well, uh.. I'm really quiet in class. I hate talking in front of large groups of people and reading my own writing in front of others. Though my school friends are mostly gamers, I get involved more in arts. I do a lot relates to music and draw a lot, but still game for fun. I guess that's all I got. I enjoy trying to help people with problems, and am always willing to listen when needed.

Thanks for joining fox. Really appreciate it. Ok so everyone knows that I ask you the question of want to see me from 5 days ago. Right? Remember that? You all are probably excited and couldn't wait to see me not knowing when I will do it or will I do it. I decided to do it and will do it today. AND I decided to let you to ask me questions. Please DONT ask what's your name, where you live, how old you are, when's your birthday, or any personal questions like that. Any personal questions I will NOT answer and ask you to ask another question. So ask away and watch your notifications for it.

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