Crying in the rain - The accident

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Chapter One

The accident


When someone dies it’s supposed to be sad, but for me it was devastating. I watched it all happen before my eyes. The car flipping over; it felt like I was flying. Out of everyone in the car that night, I was the only survivor. The driver died at the wheel, the paramedics said he had a heart-attack. I saw the truck heading into our lane but I was at a loss for words to say something to anyone; it was like I knew what was going to happen and everyone else had no clue, they were laughing at the stupid joke my best friend, Colin, talked about. If I had said one word, anything, maybe today they would all be alive.

 The accident happened in slow motion. One moment I was laughing, and the next my mind seemed to stop time. I saw the impact of the car crashing into us, we slammed back way to fast and I felt the car start to fall off the ledge of the bridge. I heard deathly screams coming from my friends in the car. Everyone was scared; who wouldn’t be? I looked to my left before the car fell off the bridge and looked at my other friend Beth. I could tell her neck was broken just from the impact of the hit. She wasn’t moving and the seatbelt was imbedded into her fragile skin.

“Beth!” I screamed, but it was hopeless and deep down I already knew that, I just didn’t want to face the truth. I felt the car tipping backwards as it started to roll off the bridge. It’s something that you just can’t explain to anyone. You can feel the force of gravity take over as it holds you in its grasp and takes you down.

“Someone, please help!” Everyone started to scream. They wanted a miracle to happen, but I knew nothing could save us. I closed my eyes and counted to ten like an old story I once heard when I was younger. When you’re scared, count to ten and each number you get to, you think of a happy moment in your life. That won’t make you scared anymore; I was willing to try anything. Everyone was screaming in the car, we were all hopeless and time seemed to slow even more as we neared the water beneath us.

1. My fifth birthday, I received my first kiss, on the cheek from Colin…who is now my best friend; someone I couldn’t live without.

I looked at him; the fear in his eyes had been present as we made quick eye contact…

2. Winning my 6th grade spelling bee…

The car started to tip back farther and now we were falling down closer to the water.

3. Getting asked to homecoming my freshman year by a senior…

I could feel gravity taking control as we were falling in mid-air.

4. My first real crush my sophomore year…

I tried blocking out the screams from my closest friends who were all in the same situation as me.

5. Getting my first 3.9 on a report card…

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