Chapter 4

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A/N. I tried to find the clean version of the song above, but I couldn't so...sorry. :). Enjoy the chapter! Also, sorry the chapter is in Bold. It was a accident and now I can't fix it.)

Chapter 4.
Kaz's POV.
I was scared. More like freaking out, but still. Same thing, I think. Chase was gonna think I told them. I ran into our room and shook him awake.
"What?" Chase groaned as he grabbed the covers in a attempt to pull them over his head.
"I told Bree that you got exhausted on the mission and she is sending Douglas up here. If you want this to stay a secret, I suggest you get up and act natural." I explained.
Chase practically jumped up and got dressed in his normal clothes.
"Good. Just go splash some cold water on your face." I said as I directed him to the bathroom.
"Got it." Chase said as he went into the bathroom.
I grabbed my phone and started playing Angry Birds on it. Then Chase came out and pulled out his laptop. After a few minutes, we heard a knock on the door. Not wanting Chase to stand up so he didn't puke, I got up and opened the door to Oliver.
"Hey buddy." I said causally as I leaned on the door frame.
"Hey Kaz." Oliver said as he walked in the room.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"Bree sent me up here to check on Chase and see if he was still asleep and if he wasn't, to send Douglas up here." Oliver explained.
"I'm not asleep, but you don't have to send Douglas up here. At all." Chase said.
"You feeling ok Chase?" Oliver asked.
"Yep! Perfectly fine. Just don't send Douglas up here." I answered for Chase as I started pushing Oliver out.
"I don't know who is acting weirder. You or Chase." Oliver said.
"Maybe you are the one acting weird and to seem normal, you are acting like we are acting weird." I said as I continued pushing Oliver until he grabbed the door frame with his super strength.
"That makes no sense Kaz." Oliver said.
"So? Half the time I do stuff that doesn't make sense." I said.
"Alright, I'm going. Just stop pushing me." Oliver said as he let go of the door frame and walked out of the room.
"That was close Chase - oh gosh don't puke on the floor. Bathroom, now." I said as I helped my friend stand up and rush to the bathroom.
As soon as we got in, he started vomiting into the toilet.
"That was close." I sighed as I leaned my arm onto the sink.
After a few minutes, he stopped vomiting and I handed him a tissue to wipe his face off on. After he cleaned up, I helped him off the floor and back into our bedroom. He sat down at his laptop and started doing whatever nerdy thing he was doing and I was playing Angry birds again. Then we heard another knock. I opened the door and saw Douglas.
"Hey...Douglas...what cha...what cha doing?" I asked.
"Bree is overreacting about Chase having a virus in his chip. I need to make sure that he doesn't." Douglas explained as he gently pushed me out of the way.
He came over to Chase and started setting up the scanner. After it finished, and Douglas said that he didn't have a virus, he looked at Chase with some concern.
"Are you feeling ok?" Douglas asked as he stood in front of him and put his hand on Chase's forehead.
Chase was about to answer, but instead he leaned down and puked on Douglas's shoes.
"What the heck?!" Douglas yelled.
"Douglas, I can explain." I started.
"Yeah, you better. These are brand new shoes." Douglas said with a hint of anger in his voice as he crossed his arms.
"Chase got sick a few nights ago and told me to keep it secret. I originally was gonna tell you, but I didn't wanna betray his trust." I explained.
"Chase, go get cleaned up and Kaz, help me with this mess." Douglas said as he pointed to the floor and his shoes.
Chase walked into the bathroom, and I went to grab the mop.

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