Chapter One: First day of school

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"Hey, what class are you in?"

A mans voice was directed at me. Thinking who it
could be, i looked back. It was a tall indian boy with curly hair. He had dark brown eyes behind a black geek spectacle. I was shocked at first as his voice and his appearance did not match at all. Judging him for a second, i told him that i am in the class, 1N2.

"Great!, i am in 1N2 too" he said with a sense of relief in his face. He was probably alone and he was glad that he found someone that is in the same class as him. And im pretty sure he did not know where to assemble on the first day. So he tailed behind me. We walked to the court yard, which is beside the canteen. We saw students carrying papers in the air which indicated the various classes. On the extreme left was my class, 1N2. It was a Chinese boy who was carrying the sheet of paper.

My so called new friend and i went to the row to take our seats. I was sitting behind a girl who had a short black hair with a white headband on her head. She looked smaller in size compared to me, or i can say so much smaller compared to my new friend. So behind me was the guy who i met just now, my new friend. He seemed like a friendly person and i was curious about what his name was. So i turned back and asked him what his name was.

"Oh, my name is vivek." he said with a grin on his face. "Oh okay. My name is zack." I told him followed by a smile along it. It was then when we were officially friends. After some time we were asked to stand up for our national anthem. Everyone stood up and was ready to sing the national anthem. I took a glance back to see how many people there were in my class. I was surprised. There were about 30 people behind me and about 10 in front of me. "Oh boy, this is a big class indeed" i mumbled.

I was thinking about how i am going to make friends with so many people. Then played the national anthem. As it was the first day of school, not everyone sang the national anthem. Probably they were shy as they were surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Well, that could be the reason. A pledge was followed after the national anthem.There was a senior near the flag pole who was facing the singapore flag and had a mike close to her lips. She was the one who was leading the pledge. Not everyone said the pledge but only some did. And i am one of them. Not the one who said the pledge but the one who didn't say the pledge.

I was awkward and i thought that people might judge me you know..

Yes from this you might know that im a person who is afraid that i might get judged but only at times, not all the times actually. Just some times. We ended our national anthem and our pledge. So we sat back on the ground waiting for something to happen. Then came our principal. She had short black hair, she wore a small reading glass holding a sheet of paper and smiled at us in which you could see her front uneven teeth bulging out. She wore a tall pair of heels to standardize her height as she not that tall.

She cleared her throat and began her speech. She was talking about the schools past achievements and she also told us about how the seniors are and how she wants us to behave in this school. The speech went on for about half an hour. Imagine sitting down in the court yard, no chairs, but just you sitting on the ground and listening to a boring speech for half an hour. It was boring and i couldn't help but yawned a couple of times.

I turned back to see if vivek was listening to the speech but i only came to saw him having a good nap. His hands on his checks, his eyes closed and his head facing downwards causing his glasses to fall off anytime. That made me giggle a bit. I gave him a tap and told him his glasses were about to drop. He was shock at first as he thought that it was the teacher who tapped him. He then pushed back his glasses to the bridge of his nose. He was trying his best to stay awake during the speech but failed miserably. He would fall asleep and wake up back when he notices it. This happened for quite a number times until the speech was finished.

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