Chaptah Fouw❗

16 1 4

The chapter's name is in British. Hope you like it. 😘

Van's POV.

I nervously sat in the middle. That means I'm the center of attraction.

All of them giddily looked at me expectantly.

When they didn't initiated, I went first.

"Hi!", I waved my hands.

The sneaky lady smiled more which must be painful by now. She was smiling hardly since I entered the office.

"Hello! I'm Gina! Nice to meet you!", She cheerily introduced herself.

The bald guy didn't have the same spirit as hers.

"Hi Mr Spencer. Welcome to our School. I'm Mr Anthony.", The bald guy, I mean Mr Arthur now introduced his self plainly.

"Nice to meet you sir.", I was about to shake his hands only to find out he was way too far from me.

I was about to stand up but he immediately jolted from his seat to shake mine.

I was flustered at that moment. But I couldn't help but smile because of their nervousness on satisfying my special standards.

I've never been to college, so I don't know what to expect and what to see. Things are currently new and weird to me. So I kind of need to adjust.

"So what do I do now?", I asked, all of them suspiciously silent.

But none of them answered, so I eyed them one by one. But their giddy faces didn't changed.

"Hello?", I asked.

Then Gina spoke up immediately.

"We just can't believe you're here, like VAN SPENCER! I mean it's just V-A-N S-P-E-N-C-E-R right?", All of them nodded vigorously.

"Okay, thank you? So?", They're still dumbfounded.

"I feel like I'm watching him in TV!", A guy at the left side said.

"Can I touch you?", A fat guy said.

"Sure, I guess?", I answered reluctantly.

Then the man hurried beside me and positioned his hands beside my cheeks. I closed my eyes in preparation.

But he didn't touch me, he was practically beaming at me like a monument of a saint.

"I can't touch you.", He said and sighed and went back to his chair.

The bald guy cleared his throat.

"So okay! You're here to get your schedule,.... everything's provided and... your things and luggage's in your bedroom, let me bring you there.", He said nervously.

Then he stood up quickly than usual and waved his hands directing me to walk before him.


So I just found out that the bald guy is the president of the school. And he's weird but he's nice. He told me how the system of school goes. Like how I can escape the people when they gather around me. But he reminded me that someday I should get used to it like the others will, hopefully.

Some things that a regular student should know like how the schedule goes like whose teacher will be in that class.

He even shared some experiences about the school, what they're proud about, currently I'm one of it, some famous celebrities who once studied here, and the awards the school has won through various outer school competitions.

He even told me unfamiliar names. The one that plays for their football team.

A lot of things I should know.

They even had a photo opportunity. Wherein, each one of them gets the chance to have a photo with me. An idea of the intelligent Gina.

He told me the history of the school, he even showed me some yearbooks and old school papers.

And then he confessed that he was a product of this school. He was proud of it, I can tell.

Introduced me to the staff members, which in the end I will never remember because it's not that easy to remember fifty people.

He offered me drinks and food which I told him not to fuss about because I didn't want them applying too much attention to me. But I didn't told him.

That would be likely unfair to the students who continues to go to school without having the same special attention I was receiving.

So there's no relation between the chapter name and the story. I just wrote what I thought.




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