How Springtime Bonnie lost her Face

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"Never." Reese spat.

"Don't make me take him by force, kid. It won't be pretty." Funtime Freddy snarled.

"You won't have too." A hoarse voice whispered.

They all looked over Funtime Freddy's shoulder and saw Springtime Bonnie climb shakily to her feet.

Even Funtime Freddy looked shocked and a bit concerned.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THE PAIN YOU'VE CAUSED!" Springtime Bonnie bounded forward.

Panicking, Reese grabbed the rusty pipe from her companion's hands.

"Reese!" Jeremy screamed, hiding behind her.

Without hesitation, she swung the pipe with as much strength as she could possibly muster.

Springtime Bonnie tried to skid to a fault, but her metal paws slid on the floor. She collided against the pipe and fell to the floor with a sickening thud.

The pipe had connected with her face and it flew to the floor, a few inches from where she lay.

"MY FACE!" She screamed, groping at the empty hole that once contained her face.

They only thing that could be seen were a few wires poking out that had attached her face to her body.

"OH NO! MY FACE!" She attempted to place it back on, but It only fell to the floor again.

"NO NO NO!" She shouted, pounding the floor.

Reese stated at the pipe, astonished. Funtime Foxy turned away, evidently disturbed by the way Springtime Bonnie was carrying on. Jeremy looked down on her with pity.

Funtime Freddy, although shocked, looked disgusted.

"You piece of junk. It was only a matter of time before you screwed everything up." He snapped.

She crawled away, leaving the room and her screams and heavy sobbing echoed in their ears.

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