Thanks You Forever

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The next night, Reese still kept her distance from the fox. "I can't believe it's you. I thought they took you away..."

Funtime Foxy looked down sadly at her mangled paw. "I was just shoved in the back."

"You were my favorite." Reese smiled, sitting back.

Funtime Foxy grinned with her crooked teeth. "That means a lot to me. You many want to check those doors."

Reese shot up out of her chair and flicked the switches on both doors.

Nothing was there, thankfully.

"Thank you for saving me." Reese breathed.

"It's no problem. Funtime Freddy's getting what's coming to him. There's talking about this place being shut down."

"Really? Why!"

"Parent complaints mate." Funtime Foxy explained. "They're on the owners back for unsafe conditions. Can't say I blame them..."

"It does kinda smell in here." Reese wrinkled her nose jokingly.

Funtime Foxy chuckled and relaxed. "I'm glad ye let me in."

"Why wouldn't I? You saved me."

"After the bite of 87'... I never saw you again." Her mask open up to show her round, robotic eyes filled with sorrow and anguish.

"It wasn't your fault. I was there. You were trying to save that little girl."

"I ended up biting her..." Funtime Foxy looked away. "She moved... I-I couldn't stop before..."

"I don't blame you for what happened." Reese assured her.

"Thanks matey. I best be heading back to me spot now, it's 5:30. Almost time to open."

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Reese asked.

"Of course." Funtime Foxy grinned.

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