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Chapter 3

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Soundtrack for this chapter
Let it Be—The Beatles
I Wanna Get Better—Bleachers
I Want You To Want Me—Cheap Trick
Ready to Go—Panic! at the Disco


I was able to make it through lunch with my fellow dancers without coming off like a complete social outcast, so that was a positive. As I made my way back to our flat, my mind kept going back to my encounter with Jude the night before. I'd never in my life been able to speak to a stranger so naturally, let alone someone who was rightfully famous. I always told myself that if I ever happened to meet a celebrity I would play it cool, knowing full well that I would actually be a stuttering mess and make an absolute fool of myself, but yesterday I was able to maintain my composure and not completely fumble over my words. And for three hours no less.

When I got back to my flat, Lily and I spent the rest of the afternoon watching British sitcoms we didn't quite understand and chatting about her first party in London.

"Elle, be honest with me. How do you think it went?" Lily looked a little nervous to get my unfiltered opinion.

"Have I ever not been honest with you? I think the food was great. It got a little too loud and crazy for me, which was why I escaped to the roof, but everyone else seemed to have a great time."

"I figured the atmosphere made you a little uncomfortable. Thanks for coming even though I know it was probably torture for you not knowing anyone," she said.

"Yeah, it kind of was torturous, at least until I met Jude."

"I can't believe I forgot. I might be the shittiest friend ever for not asking you about that. How did that happen, what did you talk about? He was insanely good looking, and he's like, a legitimate celebrity."

"You're my best friend, and therefore could never be the shittiest," I gave her a smile, "I'm hungry though, so let's make dinner, and I'll unload on you everything that happened."

I spent the next thirty minutes cooking with Lily (well, if we're being honest, she was cooking and I was helping) and recounting to her the three hours I spent with Jude on the rooftop deck. When we sat down to eat, it was Lily's turn to do some talking as I uncorked a bottle of red wine.

"You? You played it cool? I'm not sure I believe that." Lily brought both of her hands to her face in mock surprise.

"I know. It was weird. I have never, really never felt that comfortable talking to a complete stranger."

"Maybe he didn't feel like a stranger because you've seen him on TV before."

"Maybe." I hadn't considered that. Maybe I wasn't starting to come out of my shell. Maybe I felt like I already knew him and that was why I was able to be so comfortable around him so quickly. That was not the realization I'd been hoping for, and I followed it with a huge gulp of wine.

Suddenly, a sparkle lit up in Lily's eyes. "Or, maybe, you were so comfortable talking to him because he's your one true love." She batted her eyes at me as if that was going to make me take her any more seriously.

"Don't be ridiculous. I already had my chance with my one true love and it didn't work out, remember? Besides, I'm not looking for anyone." I knew exactly what conversation was about to follow, and I was feeling exhausted and in absolutely no mood to talk about it.

"It's been over a year. You need to start getting out more. You're on the dark side of your twenties now, you know." Upon noticing my level of discomfort the moment Lily opened her mouth, her expression and voice softened.

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