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I don't know why it is but she is always so careful with her words, She talks like she doesn't want to hurt me by saying something wrong. Like she knows something about me that would hurt me and she is protecting me from it.

We've been friends for about 3 weeks now and the only things I know about her are  her name and that she is originally from Texas, nothing else.
She's like a big mystery.

A mystery that I have to solve.

"You need anything else?"
I ask her wile walking to the check outline at the grocery store, she looks at our cart and tries to think of something we've might have forgotten.

"No, I don't think so, I mean I hope so."
I chuckle because this happened before and I had to walk back to the store to get tomato's for the pasta that she wanted to make.

"You sure? because I'm not coming back, if you forget anything you're walking, just saying."

She looked around her to see if she needed anything more but shook her head.
"No, I'm a hundred percent sure. And Stiles you would never let me walk back." She said teasingly.
she looked at me with her puppy eyes.
It's so unfair, she knows I can't resist them.

"Stop that! No, No! you're walking back."

How can I resist those eyes? Those beautiful emerald green eyes, the eyes that make me wonder what type of secret is behind them and if I'll ever know what it is.

She went to pick something up that she remembered she needed, when she came back she looked like she saw a ghost, a pretty ugly ghost.

"Hey what's wrong? Lydia? You ok?" She looked pale and she looked like she wanted to say something.

Her eyes met mine and I got more worried than I already was.

Fallen Angel. | A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now