True Identity

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Oh my god this class is so boring when will it end?!?! Ugh.. you know what I'm going to listen to my music and perhaps fall asleep.

" Hey... Issa." A student I don't even know woke me up.

" Is class over?" I asked quietly but yawning and stretching.

" No... it's a note from that Marcel guy down there." He points to his left and hands me the note.

I look over His shoulder and see a guy with big classes and he was waving at me. I didn't want to be rude or mean so I waved back at him. He look kinda shocked that I waved back, but then he turned to face forward to listen to the teacher. I don't bother to pay any attention. I open up the piece of paper and I read what is on it.

hi I'm Marcel :)

I try to find a pencil I end asking some total stranger to lend me one. I right something back to Marcel.

Hey I'm Issabella but you can call me Issa :)

As soon as I'm done I tell that same guy who passed me the note to pass it back to Marcel. He grabbed the paper and by the look on his face I can tell he was utterly surprised. I sat there watching him.. he seemed to have gone in his own little world then quickly snaps back to reality. He grabs his pencil and scribbles something down and passes it back to me.

I didn't actually think you were going to reply to me.

I felt really bad for him but I'm curious why so I ask.

Why did you think I wasn't going to reply to you?

Because no girl does

well I'm not like most girls so that's why I'm talking to you besides you seem like a nice person to talk to.

That's really nice of you but if your trying to make me fell better or if you feel sorry for me then you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to :/

After I finish reading that I look over at Marcel and hes staring down at his desk. his eyes are low and his smile is no longer present. I honestly do feel sorry for him but im not talking to him for his sake. I really do want to get to know him.. he really does seem like a really nice person to talk to. I write something on the note and pass it back.

Honestly I do really want to talk to you.



Throughout the whole class period me and Marcel just talk to each other. We were both trying to pass notes and talk to each other while still listening to the teacher... Well.. Marcel was.

After class Marcel seemed to have just disappeared and I couldn't find him anymore.

I am a senior in High school and school just started a few weeks ago. My name is Issabella but people call me Issa. I am a Hispanic because my mom and my whole family are from Mexico City, Mexico. Me personally have never even been there but the way my mom describes it makes it look beautiful. I don't have many friends because all my friends are bad... I am too. My friends and I consider me bad because I don't even pay attention in class. I mostly sleep and Listen to my music. I also draw in a notebook I continuously carry with me.. so far no one has asked me about it.

My next class has gone by quick after this I get to go to lunch where I can finally eat but at the same time I want to sleep I didn't get much sleep last night or in class today.

Marcel's POV:

I really wasn't expecting that girl... Well Issabella or Issa as everybody calls her, to talk to me. Usually when I send a note to a pretty girl and they send it back saying something completely rude like "Fuck off loser" or "Don't talk to me you geek/nerd" I honestly think she was only talking to be because she felt sorry for me when I told her that no girl has replied to me. I saw the look on her face.. her eyes filled with sorrow and sympathy, But I knew deep inside her she was probably thinking why I was even talking to her.

Why was I talking to her I don't usually go after girls like her... She is completely different form all the other girls. She mostly wore black, grey and white. Occasionally she wore some blue. She also wore some leather jackets or plain black long sleeves underneath her shirts. Her hair was a jet Black in the dark, but once she hits sunlight her hair transforms into a beautiful light brown. The tips of her hair are dip died, so its called, a lighter brown or maybe a blonde I couldn't quite see it careful enough. Maybe its because she is different from other girls that attracts me to her or maybe its just the dark negativeness of her that attracts me. I will never know...


They guys I'm new and this is my first book so if you like it then vote and leave me some comments on what you think :) sorry thats its kinda short but thanks for reading it bye love ya :*

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