Chapter 6

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Marcel's POV:

Just as I get into my mums car after Harry got in I turn around to look for Issa one more time and I see her getting into a Grand Jeep Cherokee. I wanted to go and say bye but she got in too quick and Harry yelled at me to hurry up. When I close the door my mum asks me how my first day went then how Harry's day was.

"So how was your first day Marcel? did you meet any new friends?" Ann asks (Harry and Marcel's mum).

" Yea actually. I meet a girl named Issa and she introduced me to three other nice ladies, Harley, Martha, and Danielle."

" Oh I see your first day and your already popular with the ladies."

" No mum that's not how it is they're all just friends. One of them happens to be my friend." Harry seemed annoyed at the statement his mum made.

"Oh I see." Ann seemed a little disappointed when she found out that one of Marcel's friends was also friends with Harry, which means she must be like Harry.

" So mum how was your day?" Marcel asks to get rid of some of the tension in the small car.

"It was quite good actually." Ann replied.

"That's nice mum." I reply. the rest of the car ride is silent and awkward.

Issa's POV:

I got into my moms old car. she gave it to me so I wouldn't have to walk to school everyday since she got herself a new car. I start the car and I head my way back to my house also known as my prison. I still can't believe I got I into a fight with Holly AND Sophia. What was Jake doing with them? maybe Sophia asked him for help they are kinda close friends, or maybe he's cheating on me with her.... no he wouldn't do that he loves me too much.

I finally get home and I come in I go straight to my room to change into something more comfortable. right now I have dark blue skinny jeans with dark blue converse and a black jacket. I change into some pink pajama pants and a tank top with a gray cardigan. I go to the kitchen to get something to eat and go back to my room. I turn on my computer and I email all my teachers for the class assignment and homework if there was any and I get straight to work with my music in the background. This is a side to me no one knows about except Harley, Martha and Danielle. I hope they don't or didn't tell anyone.

"Adi can you come help me real quick?" I hear my mom ask from the other side of the door.

"I'm doing work can't you do it yourself?" I reply a little annoyed.

"I would but I kind of need two people to do it."

"Ugh okay" I roll my eyes, put my work down and walked toward the door to help my mom. I go to the living room to see that my mom is on the couch with my sister who is asleep.

"What do you need help with?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Can you go clear the bed so I can put Gemma on there?" my mom asked.

"It's not that hard mom."

"Well I have Gemma in my arms and I can't do two things at once so can you please just go clear the bed for me."

I roll my eyes for what seems like the 5th time and I go clear the bed for my mom. once that's done I wait for a 'thank you' but I don't get one, as usual so I go back to my room to finish school work. It usually takes me about the whole afternoon to finish my school work after that I just sit in my room on my phone listening to music. My life isn't that exciting out of school. I don't think my life is exciting at all... is it?

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