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The year is 5322, Wars lead to mass destruction of nearly everything that was known in older times; We humans have mutated, began to live longer than ever before, we still die... but we don't age nearly as much.

The mutation was our own fault, really. to better tell you this story I'm going to take you back to the year 2019; Rich people didn't want to be seen as the same as those who weren't as lucky as them. so, they began to try and come up with ways, to alter themselves to seem better. A group of them actually paid scientists to think up ways to make them seem better; One of them came up with an idea, it was said to be a joke, it was said to have been nothing more than playful humor between over-tired and under-paid scientists. But his idea was to create a paint, that would go into their blood, causing it to be gold. The over-tired workers (who were thought to also have had a few drinks that night) accidentally sent in the idea to the funders, after a while the funders emailed them back, loving the idea and doubling the income for them to look further into it.

Instead of telling the rich people that it would be all but impossible to do, the workers just wanted the project to be over with, so they began their search to find and create a paint they could inject into someone's blood stream without completely killing them.

Eventually though they found a way, but they couldn't get gold just yet, they could only create silver, (as it was the colour the chemicals were without colouring); the scientists asked the rich people if they had anyone interested in trying out the first of the blood-colouring, none of the rich people stepped forward, not wanting to have silver blood if in the future they were able to produce the colour gold; so, the rich people paid poor people to test it first.

The blood colouring went well for the first time it was attempted in an actual living human , only one of seventeen people died in the testing, and because they were allergic to a substance used. The sixteen people that left then had sliver blood, and the scientists had an idea to create the substance in a gold colour, for the rich people.

Eventually (after years of searching) they found it, all the funders were first to get their blood turned gold, and soon everybody wanted it. after long, there was gold blood, red blood, and still those sixteen people with silver, that being said however, it had been a long time since the silver blood was injected, these sixteen people had grown up, had kids, and so on. the scientists found traces of the silver colouring in their blood, not much but some. This was enough to spark the idea of turning everyone's blood silver or gold. to see just what would happen.

The funders still funded the scientists, naturally being so wealthy they didn't know what to do with it all, and injections began.

Soon all babies were injected with the colouring, after the scientist team (which was growing rapidly) checked their original blood. and with each generation, the silver and gold blood would carry more and more through the system, until eventually they didn't have to inject anyone anymore. everyone's blood was either gold (something those in the past had to pay for) or silver (one that came free).

There seemed to be some certain side effects however. people lived a lot longer, so much so, that after their hair went grey or white, and their faces wrinkled, they stopped aging, people lived for an average of one hundred years, and didn't look a day over sixty five.

The beginning side effects were nothing compared to what would come.

It started out only in those with gold-coloured blood. at first people could make others do what they wanted, someone could throw a lamp across the room with their minds when angry, some punched holes straight through brick walls, a child would break all the glass in the house just from throwing a tantrum. They realized, they mutated, and they seemed to hold abilities that held a new type of strength within.

Of course, at first it was the rich people's way of saying they were better than others, but slowly, those with silver blood developed powers as well, theirs weren't as easily controlled as those with gold blood, and theirs were also a fair bit weaker, but it was there, to show the golds that they weren't that much better.

It was finally the year 3000, and more wars started soon after that, bombs made to destroy everything in their paths were dropped all over the globe. soon you couldn't recognise it anymore. There were few survivors, those who did, didn't know what to do with themselves, let alone a ruined Earth.

Until one man stepped in. He was great, he was courageous, he had all the right ideas. he proposed that they elect one person to create a royal family, his first suggestion was himself. Everyone else was too tired, or emotionally drained to actually oppose him, so without much fight from others, his family was the royal family, and from then on, they rebuilt a new society, one where he and his family were worshiped, and others were just play things designed to worship him.

Eventually they built him glamorous palaces, and those with gold blood (even though currency had been lost in the wars) were built large, luxurious houses in the South end of their new society. Where those with silver blood were still looked down on, they lived much farther North; doomed to live as the working class, hoping to impress the king.

Why would they go along with this? you might be asking yourself. well, even though they got the short end of the stick, they still didn't have enough force to go against the new king, they didn't have enough numbers, and what few of them survived, weren't enough to so much as attack one house hold of golds. They were left to listen and obey, and as the generations went on, people stopped asking questions, golds still lived an average of one hundred years, but silver people were sent to different working jobs, and their lives were no longer than fifty or so years.

Around the year 5000 or so, the royal family began to become suspicious, nobody attempted to escape their terrible, silver lives, so he sent more gold people to watch them, and discovered that, the silvers, as bland as they were, would fight each other in a pathetic way of training themselves, he also found (though a mind reader of his) that they were planning to overthrow the king and his crown. so he dragged those who fought down to a terrible place that no one is permitted, and had them killed while a live feed showed all the silver people exactly what happened when they tried to over step him.

Again people became too scared, and eventually, just stepped into rhythms of what they were good at (working for the king and other important families).

and ever since then, they obeyed and kings were content.

That is our History.

How we came to be.

All hail the gold king, our fearless leader.

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