Chapter 8: On My Way

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Sarina's POV:

The next few days were almost like a dream.

My exclusive interview with several reporters was trending news in the Philippines and I was almost always stopped whenever I walked alone to either shop or buy things. It had gotten to a point where Luis had his men guard me every time I leave the apartment because of the crowd that seems to materialize whenever I am seen in public.

During my visit at the Nursing home, My superior at the nursing home and some of my colleagues from work greeted me with the same warmth and openness even though they were aware of my "newfound status" in life.

The head nurse was sad that I was resigning but understood my reasons and wished me luck on my new life, she even teared up and commented how beautiful my eyes were.

And lastly, I had Luis accompany me to Sey's university where I made a full payment to the registrar's office.

One morning, I asked him about managing Henry's business one day after he finished teaching me to walk properly. The lawyer's initial expression was one of shock and surprise before he masked it quickly.

"Miss Sarina, I am able to handle your business interests adequately. Learning about the technicalities will require some work. Most noble ladies of your caliber usually leave the hard work of managing their assets to professionals like me." he said cautiously.

"I am prepared to take online business courses Luis, That is why I am going to need you more than ever." I took a deep breath. " Now that I have no work as a nurse, I want to occupy my time, and what better way than to learn a little about business? I should know how to do that much right?"

The lawyer looked skeptical but he agreed to at least give me an outline of the numerous businesses Henry currently has.

For the next week, I learned that all of Henry's hands-on business was rooted in Illyria's local factories and manufacturing warehouses. He believes in strengthening the local's unique craftsmanship and supports the country folks so that none of them would be burdened with leaving their homes and families.

Then I found out that I have several different foreign stock shares that is maintained by Luis' investment division so he taught me the basics of the stock markets.

My head ached for days after that but I asked him to teach me more and although he had thought I have given up, he reluctantly agreed.


Having understood the basics of the stock market and investing money into companies and projects. Luis gave me daily tasks to accomplish and I submit the said assignments to him which I manage to do quite well.

Along with the assignments, I do my research on my business investments every night to familiarize myself with them.

My laptop screen flashed and I read about La Belle, one of Illyria's internationally acclaimed beauty company and their current stand on the stock market. Luis had mentioned that I had stock shares here as well so I got curious so I checked the company out.

I heard Seymone burst into the living room with her laptop.

"Cousin! Cousin! Didn't Henry say he has a nephew right?"

I just nodded absentmindedly and went on with my research.

"It turns out that Henry's favorite nephew is royalty! He is a business magnate and he is also the crown prince!" my cousin said excitedly.

"Uh huh." I murmured, more engrossed at the company's product line, and was impressed at the packaging and elegant details.

"I see several ladies associated with him and they are all models, actresses, daughters of other wealthy business tycoons. Man! It is best you take a look at him since you might see him at Henry's funeral."

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