Prologue: The Way the End Began

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     "Mom?" Tara asked in confusion. She was standing on the other side of the bathroom door. Weird noises were coming from inside. "Mom, is that you?"

"Stay...s-stay away, Tara!" The sound of shattering glass followed. "It's not safe! Call you dad!" Suddenly the door flew open. Fifteen-year-old Tara froze. This was something she never expected to see. Her mother was, well, no longer her mother.

The creature that emerged from the bathroom had slimy, green skin and very sharp teeth. "I told you," the creature said in a distorted snarl, "to stay AWAY!" The creature lunged and finally Tara unfroze. She screamed and ran to her bedroom, locking herself inside. She panted against the wall, thinking she might be safe. All was quiet for a very long time, allowing Tara to think for a bit. How has this happened to her mom? What did she turn into? She was haunted by how, even though it was nasty looking and its breath reeked, she had still seen her mother in the monster. In the monsters eyes, a human was crying. Her mother was still trapped in there.

Boom! Something slammed it's body against Tara's door. She gasped and looked around the room. She needed something, anything, to defend herself with. "Open up, Tara," her mother -no- the monster growled. Thinking quickly, Tara grabbed her wooden baseball bat signed by Yadier Molina and prepared to swing when the door finally gave way.

Crash! The door caving in made Tara jump. The creature crawled in on all fours, growling. It smiled, showing all of its perfect, white, pointy teeth. "I've got you now, Tara Beara," it said mockingly. Tara grimaced and took the bat out from behind her back. The monster laughed, or at least Tara assumed the gargling noise was a laugh, "How precious. Would you really hit your mommy with that? Even if you would," it smiled creepily, "do you really think that will hurt me?"

And then she lunged. Tara swung with all her might, aiming for its head. She made contact, but she cried out. She had gotten a nasty scratch down her side. She glanced down to see blood seeping through her torn shirt. However, she had no time to dwell on it. The monster was getting back up and, boy, was it angry. "Mom, please! I know you're in there!" Tara begged. "Please don't do this! Mommy, please!" She began to cry, the emotions pouring out of her. The monster laughed once more, not phased by her pleas, but Tara could still see her mother in its eyes. She could see how her mother was hurting inside of there. She had made up her mind. There was no saving her mom.

"Stupid little girl!" It spat and sprang towards Tara once more. Tara stepped out of the way and swung once it passed her. Tara swung the bat so hard she thought her arms might pull out of socket. She felt the skull give way and heard it crunch. The monster fell to the ground; dead. Tara stared for a moment before falling to the ground beside it. Weeping for her dead mother and from the pain in her side, Tara fell asleep.

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