We keep bumbing into each other

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Okay sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been busy and have had no thoughts of inspiration for the story. Sorry and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


"Okay so do you want to do Big Ben or the Tower of London first"? I asked Luke, my nose buried in an information guide.

"Uh Blair look" Luke said pointing behind me.

"What is it- oh crap"!

"Our bus is leaving" I shouted while running after it.

Luke ran behind me and soon caught up with me. We reached the bus and I grabbed our tickets out of my bag, when the bus pulled away and disappeared around the corner.

"Crap" I groaned, shoving the tickets into my bag.

"What's wrong"? A demanding voice said behind me.

"Oh great look who joined the party" Luke huffed.

"Mate, three's a crowd and four's a party" the voice said sarcastically.

"Harry" I breathed amazed at how godly he looked.

Come on, who looks that good in sweats, jeans and a beanie. Maybe he had a contagious disease that made you think he was good looking, but in reality he was a dirty old man. I smiled and pushed that thought out of my head.

"Miss your bus"?

"Yeah, can we catch the tube to the Tower of London" I questioned.

"No, and that was the last bus I think, you could walk" Harry said leaning down to look at the timetable stuck to the bus stop.

"How far is it to walk" I wondered, looking around to see if I could see the Tower of London.

"It is about an hour’s walk, depending on how fast you are" Harry smirked up at me.

"Oh, Luke ar'e you up for walking"?

"Yeah, sure, it's one o clock so we should be there by two" Luke said looking at his gold watch.

"Hey I was heading up there to meet Niall at half one" Harry commented.

"Well you two, have fun walking" Harry laughed as he walked  over to his Mercedes.

Ugh, he was being more than a tad rude. I mean I would understand why he wouldn't take us if he wasn't going there. But he was going there to meet Niall! What a jerk.

"Come on, let's walk unlike some lazy people" I yelled towards Harry's car while grabbing Luke's hand.

"You are going in the wrong direction" I heard Harry call back.

"I can give you a lift, I suppose".

Now he offers, ugh he is so annoying.

"No thankyou, I would rather walk" I lied, in truth I liked Harry, he was just annoying and rude at times.

"The tower closes at 3 on Sundays, so you'll only have an hour there and it definitely  takes more than an hour to try out all the torture equipment" Harry smirked at me.

"Fine" I muttered walking to the stupid car.

"Whoa, uh uh we aren't going to get a lift from this guy" Luke protested.

"It is either this or we miss out on the Tower of London, I sighed.”Hey you don't look so good".

"Yeah, is it that obvious"? Luke asked sheepishly.

"Luke you look like your about to hurl, so there is no way you're getting in my car"!

"Luke how about you go back to the hotel? I will ride with Harry and he will drop me off after".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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