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"I know you're a little bit jet lagged but I thought that we could go to the club over the road" Luke suggested as we walked down the hall towards our room.

"No that sounds great, what time"? I asked, the effect of jet lag wearing off already.

"How about we leave at 9, be ready" he warned.

I smiled enthusiastically and scanned the card key through the lock in the door. I opened the door and almost choked. The place was massive. I looked around and in the middle of the room was a cream and blue rug with a mahogany coffee table, sided by two cream sofa's. Along the far left side of the room was two silver double doors with a book case next to it.

Directly in front of us was a balcolny, with the doors already open. I ran towards it and slammed into the metal guard railing.

"Hey England, look who is here" I yelled pointing at myself as Luke sat down on the sofa and laughed.

I walked back into the hotel room and grabbed one of my cases.

"Do you wanna unpack"? I asked.

"Sure" Luke smiled jumping up at once.

We walked up to the doors and at the same time opened them.

"Oh my gosh, there is only one bed" I moaned.

"At least it is a king" Luke replied looking like he was enjoying this.

"No , we have to request another bed, I can't possibly share with you" I said angrily pushing Luke out of my way and headed to the lobby. I stormed down the corridor and jabbed the button. Once I got down to the lobby I pushed in front of the two guest that the receptionist was serving.

"Excuse me but the back of the- oh i'm so sorry what is wrong Ms Hawthorn" the receptionist asked.

"Charlotte there is only one bed in my room" I compalined, noticing her name on her name tag.

"I'm sorry but you did book the couples suite" Charlotte confirmed.

"Oh mom" I groaned. Mom was always  trying to set me up with guys and know she is trying to set me up with Luke. She has gone way too low, even for her.I didn't need a guy, I was happy with my life and didn't need someone ruininng it.

"Well then you have made a mistake, I would like another bed added please".

"We will see wat we can do" Charlotte sighed.

I stalked back upstairs.

"Could they sort it out"? Luke asked.

"Yes" I muttered. "I'm going to get ready, it is already 7 o clock" I said slamming the door.

I stared at my hair. It was a dirty blonde colour that always looked as if I had just came form the beach, slightly curly and textured. I decided to straighten it then softly curl it at the bottom. I finished my makeup and moved onto my outfit.

I took my just above the knee length dress. The one with the lace top. I paired it with my black Mary Charlotte's and feather earrings. I grabbed my jacket, sprayed 'Daisy' limited addition by Marc Jacobs and walked out of the room.

"You look beautiful" Luke whispered.

"Thankyou" I smiled, showcasing the outfit.

"Let's go" I said yanking Luke up from the sofa.


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