Chapter 1 Dads Book

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                                                            Chapter 1: Dads Book

Once upon a time in 1843 there was a couple. The couple were called Julia and Robert.
Robert and julia had a child which they named simon. After they had simon born Robert was so busy working on something big which he never told anyone. One day at 8:00 pm he said to his wife Julia 'Julia i need to tell you something' Julia turned around and asked ' and what is that Robert?' I am going to go on a long journey that long and dangerous that i might not see you again. Julia walked toward Robert and replyed 'well can't you tell me where you are going or at least i can come with you' Robert looked at Julia and and gave her a hug and said ' no it is too dangerous, maybe i won't get home alive' Julia looked angry at Robert and replyed ' well you cant just leave like that we have a son and a family and if you are leaving, me and Simon are coming with gyou' Robert Turned around and walked in to his room. He got ready for his journey and left a giant thick book under his bed. Robert walked towards Julia and said 'Well i guess we need to break up' Robert opened the front door and left. Simon heard the whole convertation so he walked out of his room and saw Robert leaving. Simon was only 4 years old that day and all he said was 'mom why is dad brown like a dirt?' Juliagg did not awnser Simon's queastion instead she said sadly ' Simon get in your room now!' When Simon went to his room Julia go and went looking for Robert and searched for 46 minutes. Julia finally gave up and went home crying . Simon was just in his room and was playing with his toys.

12 years later Simon was 16 and going to meet his best friend Sam

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12 years later Simon was 16 and going to meet his best friend Sam. Sam was going to Simon's house and when Sam came Simon opened his door. Simon looked at Sam and said 'hey sam ! i need you show you something awesome and crazy!' Sam looked disapointed at Simon and replyed 'i swear if you smack a bowl of horseshit like you did last time i am going to kick you ass' Simon laughed and said 'No Simon i am not going to do that even it was pretty funny, i found a thick giant book under my dads bed i havent checked it out yet but i did not want to check it out alone. Sam looked shocked at Simon and said 'DUDE WE NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT! '. Simon and Sam ran to his fathers room and they opened the door. Sam suddenly asked Simon 'hey Simon whathappend to your father?' Simon awnsered sadly ' look 12 years earlier when i was 4 years old my mom said to me that my dad left because he was sopossed to go in The Shire army, where he goes in war and protects our land, but i think thats a lie which my mom says it isn't i remember that my mom and dad had a converstation which did not connect anything to war or army, anyways i found the book here under his bed, i guess mom hasn't gone in to his room after he left' Simon turned the lights on in the room and went under Roberts bed. He saw a massive leather book. Simon took the put and placed it on Roberts desk. Simon turned and red some pages and said 'wow sam this book is amazing ! it includes islands, recipes of food, dangerous food in the wild like posiones mushrooms and stuff,whepons, creatures,stories,viking warriors that were alive hundreds of years ago, codes and keys and more!
Like here, The Island Of Eleven Throats,The Island of Blood Eagle, and here ! it says someting about recipes about food! Like bread,mushroomstew and says here the safest bugs to eat! some bugs here that i am seeing i did not know that it exists! And here on page 84 he says here that some warrior that was named Egill Skallagrímsson had an powerfull enchanted axe! Which he killed a tiny boy with when he was eleven and sam have you heard of the creature that is called Crocks which are skinny, tiny human creatures with sharp teeth and sucks blood for food, man! There is Allot of stuff here we can use and remember! ' Simon said. Sam was just looking around Roberts room and listening to Simon. After Simon gave Sam all the details he said 'but simon how do you know this is true and which is not true, everything in this book can be made up like a six year old child telling about his future'. Simon laughed and said ' sam there is only one way to find out, anyways if you turn on page 12 you can see the reasons why he left and what he was really up to, lets see it says here, Dear Person if you are reading this you are probably reading it on a massive book. In 1843 i left my family for some reasons and the biggest reasons of them all i am going to go on a long journey. Which includes treasure that is on one big island . But to go there you need to go first on another 4 islands. Which are called The Island Of Eleven Throats, The Island Of Blood Eagle,The Island Of Hairy Breeches, The Red Island . And all those islands are connected together somehow. by clues. And misterys' Sam was confused, he turned around and asked Simon ' so simon are you saying we need to go at least 4 islands or more to go and find your dad and this big treassure? It could be REALLY dangerous and there is a 100% chance we fail ' Simon Stood up and looked searious at sam and replyed ' Sam ! First of All if you did not know you learn more from failure than from success don't let it stop you Failure builds character" Sam laughed and said' yeah and failure character which has depression ' Simon replyed 'only if you think it that way, but sam come on! This means so much to me and if we succeed i can find my dad ! and the big treassure ! We will be rich!! Maybe legends!' Sam walked trought the door ' i am not going to be a part of this' sam said and went home. Simon knew he was going to go in this adventure. His mom Julia wasnt home at this moment so he left from home but before that he ofcorse grabbed stuff for his adventure. Leather gloves,Ironsword,food,his dads book and much more . It was hard for simon leaving his hoome and mother like that but he knew it would be worth it taking the risk if he succeed but if he dint,well i guess it would be a complete fail so simon knew he needed to give everything he got to find this treassure and his father . Simon knew that maybe he wasnt going to find his father. Maybe he died becouse he was too old , maybe he went to someplace else to live or killed by a creature. Simon walked outside and took his hourse which he got from his birthday. His horse is called Solo. Becouse Simon was the only one who went on his back and did something with him. Simon took some leather armour which was kept in a emergency chest which his mom kept safe if anything happened to his home . He went on solos back and whiped his back to tell him to go, solo ran as fast as he could and ran trough 5 kilomeeters and after that Simon suddenly stopped. He looked around and had no idea where he was. So he grabbed his dads book and was looking a map. Simon found the map that he was looking for but it wasnt completed . Some pieces were missing from the map but he kept going as long he knew he was going so Simon placed  his dads book in his backpack and whiped solo so he ran. After 5 hours of running  Simon stopped. He found his place which he was going. It was a massive village .

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