Dark Enough

175 21 12

There is a girl
In the front of my class
Who I swear I've never seen
Do anything but laugh
She's tall and she's smart
Beautiful and strong
And when someone's down
She tries to fix what is wrong

How does someone so perfect
Feel so insecure?
As to scar her skin with cuts and burns
And still want to hurt more
How does someone so loving
Learn to hate her own guts?
Drawing a picture on her arm with a blade
As if her mind isn't dark enough

There is a girl
In the front of my class
Who's eyes are glazed over
Like newly cut glass
The ghost of a smile
Hints at her face
And she laughs as they tell her
"Who's on First Base"

How does someone so perfect,
Feel so insecure?
As to scar her skin with cuts and burns
And still want to hurt more
How does someone so loving,
Learn to hate her own guts?
Drawing a picture on her arms with a blade
As if her mind isn't dark enough

There is a girl
In the front of my class
Who's sad that you find it rare
To see her smile or laugh

Her frends tells her jokes
Like tthat one with the guy
But all she does is close her eyes
And enter her mind

How does someone so perfect,
Feel so insecure?
As to scar her skin with cuts and burns
And still want to hurt more

How does someone so loving,
Learn to hate her own guts?
Drawing a picture on her arms with a blade
As if her mind isn't dark enough

For her imperfections...

There was a girl
In the front of my class
Who yesterday took
The breath that was her last
She wrote a few notes:
"I'm sorry I didn't say,
But my mind was messed up,
You couldn't save me anyway.
And to the girl in the back of the class,
Who feels the way I did..."

How does someone so perfect,
Feel so insecure?
As to scar her skin with cuts and burns
And still want to hurt more.

Je suis complètement tombée amoureuse de cette chanson..
Elle est très triste et émouvante mais tellement vraie..
Pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas l'anglais, cette chanson parle simplement d'une fille qui était heureuse au début puis qui finit par se suicider.
Je l'écoute en boucle...😢💫
Avis sur la chanson??

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