chapter 4-Noah

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Authors note: hi again- haven't been able to upload! Sorry!!!

Noah's PoV

'Who screamed?!? Where's penny?!??' Everyone was scared. Penny's mother was pacing. But where was Penny?!? Was this a prank?!? Everyone had a lot of questions on their mind. I was on the staircase head in hands and managed to build up this whole story...

Penny's PoV

"W-who's there?!??" "Where am I?!?" Tears streamed down my face.
Soon I saw a light... Then a face...then a silver-red shining object... A knife!!!! A knife! WITH BLOOD ON IT!! I was about to scream when it caught in my throat "scream and this knife digs into your throat" the man started wiping his knife clean "why am I here?!?" The man stopped and stared at me "I'll get my boss" his voice went low as if talking to a three year old without a mother telling them she's coming soon "he'll explain everything to you okay princess??" I started to struggle and gave him a death stare "don't call me princess" the man smirked as he walked away.

"So you want to know why you're here?" "Dean.... WHY ARE YOU SO DESPERATE TO TORTURE ME?!? WHY?!? BECAUSE I GOT YOU FIRED CAUSE YOU WERE AN ASS?!?!" Dean smirked. "No, your my bait" dean pulled my phone out my pocket and started filming.

Noah's PoV

"Noah.... I have you're girlfriend, Penny" Dean moves his camera towards Penny as penny screams for Noah "the only way you can get her back is coming to see me" "NOAH, DON'T COME!" Tears stream down penny's face, her voice muffled by a cloth in her mouth "PLEASE DON'T! HE'S TRYING TO HOLD YOU-" the screen turns black. "Oh my gosh! Our poor penny! What should we do?"
I knew what to do I sighed as I said "I'm going to find her"

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