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I hung the phone up quietly, stunned. What the hell? Lyrah and Nyx were in a crash...

"Ashley!" I yelled from the front of the tour bus. Our band had just taken off and our popularity was building. Our other members were currently out clubbing.

"Yeah man?" He asked, leaving the bathroom while slipping on a new shirt. I sighed, "Lyrah and Nyx have been in a crash."

He stopped short and stared at me quietly, before rolling his eyes. "Nyx is a Death and Shadow monster, she's basically immortal, they survived perfect."

Andy shook his head, "Lyrah is almost dead... she's in surgery and even if she survives she is going to be in a coma. She's not one of us."

He gave me a look of deep sympathy and patted my back, "You'll find someone else. You've only known her all of four hours."

I glared at him, "That is not true!" he put his hands up defensively and sighed, I could see the worry in his eyes. "You're an Afterdark Monster, can't you go into her dreams and talk to her?"

I thought it over quietly. Maybe I could, but that would be like invasion of privacy...

"What would be an invasion of privacy?" CC asked as he stepped onto the bus, followed by Jake and Jinxx. CC was a Mentalist Monster, he can read thoughts and influence emotions.

Ashley and I began to explain everything, after our explanation there was a long discussion about what should happen next. It was decided that I should visit Lyrah in her dreams and talk with her.


She's been in a coma for  five months now. I feel like dying, I come in here almost everyday and visit her, hoping she'll awake, but then she doesn't. Lyrah lies still in that hospital bed, wires everywhere, heart monitor beeping quietly. Her family constantly threatens me for causing that wreck, even though I know it wasn't my fault.

"Nyx, hello?" I heard a familiar voice. My head shot up from where I had it lowered and my eyes narrowed towards the door. "Ashley, Andy? Is that you?"

Ashley stepped into the room, followed by Andy who quietly closed the huge sliding glass door. The ICU didn't like thick doors so they had glass ones that were easy access.

"My, you've changed." Ashley whispered, letting out a low whistle. He was right, my long straight black hair was a bit shorter and my bangs were longer then they had been, I had gotten a tattoo on my arm of Four stars and a blue rose growing out of a human skull.

"Speak for yourselves." I replied.

Ashley's hair had grown a bit longer and he now had more tattoos. He dressed more maturely now too. Andy's hair had grown below his collar bones and he had gotten considerably thinner, he had a few tattoos now and instead of jeans and a t shirt, it was tight black jeans, combat boots, and a elbow length long sleeved v-neck with a long necklace. 

"Andy, are you okay?" Ash asked. He didn't budge, arms crossed, staring at the unmoving Lyrah.

I sighed and watched him for a few moments, "Have you visited her yet?"

Andy looked at me oddly for a moment and sighed, shaking his head. "I'm going to. And when I do, im setting a kind of lock, I'll stay with her, however I won't. My body will be elsewhere, but I'm going to leave her a possession of mine, and as long as she has it, My Afterdark self will be with her." he explained.

Ashley and I understood what he meant, however I'm sure Andy confused himself.


I pulled off my necklace and went to Lyrah's side. I very carefully slipped the ling black beaded cross necklace over her head and I pulled her blue hair out from under the string. I placed my hand over the cross, closing my eyes and concentrating hard. A dark light englufed my mind and when I opened my eyes, I found myself inside a bedroom.

The walls were decorated with various band posters, there was a window with a bench in front of it, covered in pillows. The outside of the room was black and the only thing lighting the room was a small lamp on the nightstand, next to the queen sized bed. On that bed lay Lyrah, sleeping.

"Lyrah? Wake up."  I whispered, moving to her side. I witnessed her pale eyes flutter open and she sat up quickly.

"Andy? Is that you... You look so different." She stated quietly. I couldn't help but let a small grin creep onto my face.

I placed my hand on her thigh and sighed, "Listen Lyrah, you're in a dream. But I am here. I am what you humans call a Monster. I'm an Afterdark, meaning I can go into dreams."

She stared at me for a moment before nodding. Wait? She believes me? No questions asked? Before I could say anything she had noted my confused expression. "Nyx is a Death and Shadow monster. I know."

"Andy, hurry!" I heard my name called and I recognized it at Ashley. Lyrah glanced around before returning her eyes to me. My body faded and flashed like a horrible television in a storm. "I have to leave hun. I'll be back."

Lyrah grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to her, she kissed my cheek and I couldn't help but blush, before I returned to reality.

My eyes blinked open and I looked at Ashley, then seeing two adults. Must be her parents. "Who are you two?" The mother questioned.

"They're friends." Nyx replied quickly.

I stood up carefully from the hospital bed, my hand holding onto Lyrah's. The father eyed me cautiously, "im a very, very close friend." I sighed.

Ashley stood and hugged Nyx briefly before sighing, "We should get back to the bus.."

I nodded and before I left, I leaned down and kissed Lyrah's forehead softly.

Who would've guessed that would be the last time I see her in person for 5 years.

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