Raising Hell

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I can't breathe. One second i was on stage, singing with the band, next minute i started coughing my brains out in the middle of the song. Ashley dragged me off stage and all i could breathe out was one word. "Lyrah. Lyrah!"

Ashley stared at me in confusion and his eyes widened in a bit of realization, "Andy, Andy. Calm down, tell me what's going on. Has something happened?"

"It's Lyrah." CC whispered as he walked backstage to join us, i kept my hands on my head, breathing, trying to atleast. I keep forgetting that CC can read minds, it gets kind of annoying. I looked to him and i glanced back twoards the floor. "There's something wrong, Andy's Afterdark lost contact with Lyrah." he added.

Ashley pulled out his phone and called Nyx, their conversastion lasted a couple minutes, I hear Nyx snap something through the phone and Ashley raised his voice a bit before handing up after a brief, "Bye, love you."

"I have to go to her." I said, straightening myself. CC and Ashley looked at me like i was on drugs.

"We're in the middle of a tour, Andy." Ashley pointed out.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, looking down again, CC spoke up "Let's finish the tour, and then you can see her. She could be fine for all you know, it could be your powers that are screwing up."

He had a point. I nodded and Ashley handed me my microphone, I was going to finish this tour.


By the night before the funeral, I still hadn't figured out how to revive Lyrah. I was searching the very corners of my brain and i had read every dark magic book there was to be. I was exhausted, i had been at this for days, and i really had to find a spell fast,before her body starts to rot.

I was in the biggest library in Chicago and I had asked the guy up front if they had any books dealing with magic or spells. He laughed at me at first but when he realized i was serious, he was more than glad to take me to the back library, where all the books unacceptable by our society were kept. My eyes landed on a couple books with some symbols of the devil, manifestation, reapers, and hell. I scanned those books until i found a spell, it was perfect.

""Here you lie, death in sight, rise from hell, live again", this spell brings the dead back to life and there is another version that gives you the ability of telekenisis along with mild black magic abilites. Say these words after meditation and it will work, however it must be at night and the only source of light must be a single candle." I whispered aloud, a small smile forming on my face before picking up the phone and calling Ashley.

"Hello?" His voice was tired, i must have woken him up, oops.

"Ashley! What are your thoughts on bringing the dead back to life with black magic?" I asked.

"Uh... Um, Nyx, things that are dead should stay dead. It's wrong and selfish to bring something back to life."

"Is it selfish when someone you care about has wrongly been killed and you want them back?" I hissed.

He was quiet for a moment, "Does this have something to do with Lyrah...? Nyx, is she-"

"Thanks, bye." Icut him off sharply, hanging up the phone and I checked out the book.

The next morning, after even more extensive research on the spell, the spell itself will only bring her body back to life, not Lyrah herself. I called Jinxx, since he was kind of in the death area also. He said that injecting your own Monster blood would help. Before he could ask me why I wanted to know, I hung up again.

I had to get all dressed up for Lyrah's funeral service, open casket. There were so many people there, crying. I just kind of sat in the back, watching everybody. If i brought Lyrah back to life, i couldn't let any of these people see her. She's supposed to be dead, right? I'll break into her house later and get stuff from her room and have her take the empty room in my apartment. The casket wasn't due for barial until the morning, so i would have the time to bring her back and leave before anyone would notice.

The service came to a close and the funeral home directors had gone, locking up. I transformed myself into a shadow to stay hidden until everyone had left. I reappeared in the middle of the room, holding the spell book from the library. I re-opened the casket and placed the book on the rim, opening it to the page with the spell. I pulled a syringe filled with my black monster blood from my jacket pocket, i pulled the needle's cap off and I lit a candle with a match before doing anything else after I had made sure there was total darkness earlier.

I reached into the casket and pulled LYrah's arm up, turning it over. God she was pale. I injected my blood into her veins and i could see it move through her veins and body. I quickly grabbed the spell book and i put one hand over her body.

" Here you lie..." my hand started to glow black and i widened my eyes slightly before closing them tight.

"Death in sight, Raise from hell...." I could feel wind.

"live again...!" I opened my eyes and the black light emitting from my hand spread over Lyrah's corpse and eventually the glowing stopped. I shut the book and put it down, staring into the casket. I reached in and touched her face, "Lyrah?"

There was a long silence before she suddenly sat up, taking in a sharp breath. "N-N-Nyx! Am I alive!?"

I jumped slightly but then i just couldn't help but smile, "Yes, Yes Lyrah, you're alive. Now let's get you out of here."

I pulled Lyrah out of the casket and she smiled brightly, hugging me. She's back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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