⚜ Chapter 11: Booze & Sorrows ⚜

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  Finally, I updated this story. I went back and read my previous chapter. I've thought about re-writing the entire story ,but I don't think you will like that. Sports and completing has me dead like a fish lying in the ground in the hot sun for a month and half. Thanks for being so patient. This chapter is okay. I've learned I need to write better. I hate the way I wrote my previous chapters but I'm not gonna change them for the sake of my readers. Here you go, chapter 11!Enjoy! This is taking place a little after your events with Levi 😜 in the previous chapter.

        His eyes glazed at the moon as she glazed back at him. Tonight, she laid there still and breathless, watching him. Her inhabitence engulfed the world as her children slept, all but one slept. Her beauty was at her full peak. The moon became full once more. Erwin watched as her stars danced beside her together. A cool breeze fall into the night. As the moon looked down with her light at the moss covered oak trees and the plant life that feed the existence of the forest and wild life, she shone it above him. The ticking of his watch marked another second ,minute, or hour passed by.

11:55 at night

Five more minutes until a new day. A new day for you and him perhaps Levi. While others might find the moon grazing with beauty, he finds it grazing with pure desire of lust. This feeling of obsession drew him mad. The moon reminded him so much of her, his precious doll , (Y/N). Beautiful, outstanding, innocence, and naive with flaws of up most perfection inside of her pure heart. Envy had to chose him. He envied her so much ,so did Levi. He wished he could have her heart to pump his own blood through his veins. He wished he had her blood to bathe in.

Desire, lust, and envy what other deadly sins does he have? No one will know not even him who will deny it all. Erwin could feel the strong taste of his booze running through his throat. One drink after another,it just it running. It was Erwin's way of denying his imperfections and his own sanity. Deny it all he could. It would return to slap him in the ass. ( His ass tho 😏.) All he could do is drown his sorrows in booze. Levi has his own way of drowning his sorrows. The moon could only stare on at him with pity. No pity never did him any good.

Somehow, his lovely woman, (Y/N), put him in balance when he went off. Many could say it was her who caused him to feel and think so many dirty thoughts through his mind. Only his mind could think to come to this conclusions. The smell of booze pleased him a bit even with a strong,bitter smell to others. A whole collection of booze and other alcohol filled his bookshelf. To the cheapest alcohol he could find to the rarest and only ones left after humans existence almost gone, he had it. Another relfection of his sorrows and nature.
Of course, his woman could see past of it. He wondered as he stared at the moon if (Y/N) loved him less then Levi. There are so many questions he wanted to ask ,but never had the guts.

" She's mine. He needs to realize this. She spends too much time with him. I'm the only on with her. I'm her soulmate for God's sake! She needs to pick one of us soon or the string will cut. Any second me or him might snap."

He no longer stared at the moon ,but the woman next to him. Erwin touched her. She was asleep like a newborn baby wrapped in a blanket and resting on his laps. He always has thoughts of keeping her to himself. Keeping her safe somewhere very deep and away from Levi and society. Erwin knew she would hate him for that. He would never dare depose of her that way and strap her of her humanity. Soon the urge will come....

(Y/N) opened her eyes and met her directly with Erwins blue eyes. A smile came across her face.

" Thanks for being my pillow.You are so comfortable."

" Don't worry about it."

His watch ticked again reading the time 12:00. It is a new day. Having her all to himself drove him nuts. His deadly sins were caused by his obsession for ( Y/N). Erwins lust was killing him from the inside out. His envy scared many off. There was too much stress that went into his mind. War and love tore him apart. His desire never filled to its hunger. He always wanted more. Booze was just another escape from reality. Too much stress flushed him out. Booze helped to escape his sorrows. At the end, he will drown in his own booze caused by his sorrows. ( Y/N) will be pulled down with him.

Their obsession over you made you want to carve out your heart
Your sanity was being tested to its full will
You have to choice one day
The string that bends the three of you becomes thinner as Levis demons escape and Erwins deadly sins overwhelm him
At the end, things will be different and you truly never apart
In Erwins booze and sorrows
For the moon was his own relfection

Yay! I finished. Thanks for reading. I'll try to update sooner next week. I know I was gonna upload this chapter tomorrow but I decided to do it today.
Thanks for the support! Have a good day! Till next time! 💕😍✌

Untamed Desires ( Yandere!Erwin x Reader x Yandere!Levi)Where stories live. Discover now