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sunday night, february 12, 1967

    dean ended up staying longer as castiel had prayed he would, giving the two of them time to register whatever happened within the past 24 hours and figure out what their next step was. although it was clear that feelings were returned by cas, de still had an unmistakable twist in his gut and voice in his mind convincing him otherwise; yet, of course, he had not quite mentioned that to cas.

     currently, it was around six, the sun already dipping down behind the surrounding mountains and leaving a beautiful painting of pinks and yellows across the sky. castiel quietly hummed a tune to himself as he scrubbed at the dishes he had finally gotten around to cleaning, all the while dean sat in the living room, silently admiring him from the couch by straining his neck out to see through the hallway that gave a distinct view of the sink and man who stood obliviously in front of it. the two decided that making it an official thing would be rushing it a bit, even if they've already gone farther than anticipated. they also agreed to take time, since in reality they barely knew each other. sure, they've heard stories and gotten to know a few bits and pieces, but those bits and pieces were merely specks of sand on the beach of what made them, well them.

     as he stared at cas, de took in every ounce of his appearance. his side profile whenever he'd turn to get something, the way his legs were always apart rather touching, how his foot tapped subconsciously to the song he hummed, and more. it left him baffled at how much one person could intrigue him. in the past, he has met women with eyes that were captivating, he's met men who's smiles were always a bit crooked, he's met people who composed certain little things. but castiel held all those little details within one vessel. he had captivating eyes, a crooked smile, all the things dean would find attractive plus some. and the way it all fit together, the way it all made cas who he was- was all alone baffling to him.

     in his own little world, castiel stayed oblivious to the grown ass man staring at him as if he were some type of God. and with every ounce of confidence he could muster, dean shouted out to him, "I wanna take you out on a date."

     immediately, it was as if time froze. silence smothered them like a thick, wool blanket, and the only thing that made a noise or even dared to move was the plate the slipped from cas's hand after the proposal.

     upon hearing the crash, dean shot up, jogging over to the sink to examine what had happened and make sure cas was okay. the plate was shattered into five large pieces with microscopic pieces dusting the surface. pulling him away from the area, de quickly picked up the major pieces while cas grabbed a broom and dust pan from a small, nearby closet. once the mess was taken care of, the two sat across from each other at the dining table.

     "dean. I'm not positive that'd be the best idea. you know how this day of age is. what we are is considered wrong," cas explained, biting the side his thumb nail as he waited for a response.

     "cas. look, I understand the fear. the worry. believe me, I do. but we can't stay locked up in your house and get to know each other. plus, you're too good not to show off," dean argued, winking flirtatiously at the last part.

     growing red in his ears, castiel replied with, "if people knew... they'd probably jump us. or worse! de- it's... it's dangerous."

     "castiel jimmy novak. I would never let anyone hurt you."

     in the end, cas agreed to go out on a subtle date, but request it be later in the night to lower the chance of people noticing. disappointed with a late time slot, dean reluctantly agreed saying it was better than nothing at all.

despite having work the next morning, they mutually decided to go out around 8:30. no matter how much begging and pleading he had done, dean refused to tell the slightly eager castiel who- quite frankly- hated surprises where they were to go.

snorting, dean asked, "who doesn't like a surprise?"

"me! castiel! the overly anxious man that overthinks too much!" he exclaimed in reply, throwing his arms in the air as his tone stayed rough and grounded.

     "alright mr. overly anxious 'man'. get your pretty little ass ready so i can show you rather tell you," dean insisted.

     groaning in protest, cas knew it was hopeless at that point and stomped away to his room. smiling at the childish behavior, the dirty blonde rose from the couch and left the homey-feeling house to get ready himself.

     whenever he got home, dean immediately locked the front door back up as a force of habit. the apartment was deafeningly silent, giving dean an unsettling feeling coursing throughout his body. once he realized how he was acting, he quickly shook the feeling with a small grunt. it's nothing man, chill out.

     before going to the bathroom to shower, de stopped in on sam's room to check in and see if he was in fact home. sure enough, his gigantic moose-hybrid of a brother sat hunched over a book at the desk in the corner of the room.

     "hey sammy! I stayed at cas's last night, which you probably figured. I'm going back out at eight and won't be home for a while so don't wait up," he explained to his brother who seemed to be barely listening.

     "alright," but just as dean began walking away sam shouted out quickly," and it's sam! sammy is the name of a chubby twelve year old!" yet despite the harshness in the tone, dean would bet his life savings that sam was smiling broadly when he said that.

dean guffawed, continuing his stride to the bathroom, bending over slightly as he walked from laughing so hard at sammy's comment. sammy is the name of my kid brother who's a pain in my ass. you'll always be sammy, sammy.

later on, de found himself standing in the shower. (you're welcome for this) the water cascaded down his front, little droplets collecting in his hair. slowly, he ran his calloused hands over his face, blowing water from his pouty lips slightly. resting his left hand against the tiled wall in front of him, he ran his other hand through his soaking hair while looking down at the tub's floor. the hot water steamed the bathroom and relaxed his tense muscles, and eventually, dean snapped out of bliss and began washing up.

     stepping out of the shower, he wrapped a displeasing, coarse towel around his hips. sighing, dean wobbled to his room, the rough materiel causing extreme discomfort. glancing at the clock, he quickly realized it was already half past seven.

"shit!" frantically, he rushed around the apartment to get ready, running as if the floorboards were made of hot coals. by the time he was at least presentable, it was already fifteen past eight and he couldn't risk wasting anymore time. his teeth were brushed and he had on clothes, which was all he really needed.

heading out the door, he nodded a goodbye to sam who was rummaging through the cupboards of the kitchen. usually, things like this ran by smoothly with dean. he had always been a natural with the whole dates and flirting thing. but for some odd reason, this particular time was different. it still came easily to him, but the words hadn't always came out right or as routinely as before. although dean had an idea as to what to do for their date, the minute he saw cas patiently waiting out front with a face so serious and sharp, he just knew what they had to do instead.

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