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friday morning, august 4, 1967

     sammy had gotten his letter the day after the public announcement on the television; needless to say, everyone was a wreck. ruby sobbed for hours and doused herself in random pleasures for the next few weeks, memorizing the touch and feel of her lover who was soon to leave; castiel constantly drifted off, staring into nothing and breaking glasses into tiny pieces that resembled their hearts; and dean- oh, that poor eldest winchester- drank his sorrows away until he was inebriated past remembrance and knocking on his baby brother's door at two in the morning. not that sam ever complained- he just simply held his brother as he broke down till dawn, then cas would come pick him up and bring him home while he slept. they all had different visions of how this would all end, but truth be told...

dean had the closest one.

ruby stood on her toes, quietly fixing the hat that was perched on top of the youngest winchester's head as families and young soldiers hustled in crowds around them. once fixed to her perfectionist standards, sam stood proud, slightly looking down upon his older brother and his secret boyfriend. he used all of his energy and will power to hold back the tears that fogged over his whiskey colored eyes as he hugged each and last person, ignoring the lipstick stain on his uniform's shoulder, the dog tag he shouldn't have, and the smell of liquor emitting from dean's breath. at least he isn't drunk. just drinking.

"well, at least there's on good thing coming of all this," cas blurted, the words tumbling out of his mouth and poisoning the air. dean glared at him, his green eyes shady like a rainy forest, jaw clenched as his knuckles turned white while he gripped his jacket.

"good? where's the good in any of this?!" he spat, making not only his partner flinch, but even ruby who stood frightened next to sam.

blue eyes soft with pity and features slack from no sleep, castiel replied, "he finally got a haircut."

sam stifled a smile- a sad smile- but a smile as ruby let tears spill over as she laughed a bit harshly, and dean continued glaring as if he was ready to brutally murder anyone. the slightly light moment only lasted a few seconds; however, it was a few seconds that sam would hold onto as he traveled by train to texas, where he'd then be stationed.

suddenly, an automatic voice sounded throughout the platform:

"last names t through z, please board."

no one said anything, for they all knew what it meant. in a last moment attempt to have something to hold on to, sam lifted ruby into the air, her curls bouncing and arms grasping onto him, and kissed her. when they pulled apart, he murmured something only she could hear before letting her feet touch the ground once more- she was speechless. castiel stepped up, hugging him as if he'd never see him again, which he might not.

"take good care of my brother. please cas... he... he needs you right now," he whispered desperately, fingers digging into the smaller man's sides as he awaited a reply.

without hesitation, cas muttered into his shoulder, "always."

last but not least, sam walked up to his big brother. despite the comical height difference, he'd always look up to dean. he was the man who raised him while raising himself, the one who did everything in his power to support him, the one who was always, always , there. and god, if there was one person sam knew was destroyed by this, one person he could never let go, one person he'd sacrifice himself for, it was dean tristian winchester: his big brother.

although he was never one for chick flick moments, dean held his little brother. he held him the same way he did when he had a nightmare, the same way he did when their father drank too much and yelled too loudly, the same way he did when he first tried acting on stage instead of being stage crew like he'd always done, the same way he always had. the same way he always would. even though it was a little hard to do so, he still managed, gripping little sammy as he blinked away tears and prayed to a god he never believed in.

"god sammy, why'd they choose you? of all the damn people, why you? if they want a winchester they should take me. you can't do this sammy, god, you can't," he rambled, only pulling his brother closer when he tried pulling away.

shakily, sam replied," i have to de, you know i do. there's no way around this."

"damn it sam, don't say that," dean began shouting, pushing his brother away and staring him in the eye, "there's always a way! where there's a will, there's a way! and i've got so much damned will. they need to take me! sacrifice me in the name of our country!"

he was going ballistic, shouting at the generals and sergeants who tried to usher him out and sam onto the train.

"what are ya, deaf!? can you not hear me!? TAKE ME DAMN IT, TAKE ME!" he screamed, fighting against the four officers holding him back from his little brother.

"dean, please," castiel whispered from where he was consoling ruby.

"please what? please stop? no, never. they're taking my little brother, god- they're taking sammy. TAKE ME!" the screaming never ended.

sam was forcefully boarded, dean was arrested, and ruby and castiel were left alone on the emptying platform.

the two were quiet for ages, standing dumbly as they searched their minds for words to say. but what do you say when your boyfriend's been drafted? or your boyfriend's been arrested?

"what are we gonna do?" she finally asked between sniffles, looking at cas as if the answers to all the world's questions were placed in his mind.

sighing sadly, he began escorting her to the parking lot, avoiding the topic all together.

"let's go drive down to the station. sam's probably worried sick about what's happening with dean."

a/n :

please forgive me for being so inactive.. i've been struggling lately... but i'm trying... and i'm gonna start updating send and the oneshots more frequently. or i'm gonna try to... just please don't give up on this book... on me?

i love you all.

always keep fighting.



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