Chapter 41: Rumors

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Christy's POV

Like anything that happens in high school, people find out.

It was obvious that neither me, Maddie, or Steph would tell anyone, so that either left Jesse or Kayla.

My bet was on Jesse.

The whole school knew about the incident, but like any other game of telephone, the story was all crumbled and the details were either insanely wrong, or completely outrageous. 

There was one where Jesse pull out a gun to save the day (I wonder who came up with that one), one where I beat up Kayla, one where there was no fight at all, just an intense argument, and one where Kayla was planning to sue my family.

I'm not sure if Kayla is trying to get a hold of me since I blocked her on every single form of communication already. Everything involving her has been deleted off my phone and so has every piece of her on my social media. I do not want anything to do with Kayla anymore.

I avoided Kayla the best I could, which was not easy since I had class with her. I was in there to learn, so I did my best to stay focus and get in and out of the class the best I could.

As I walked toward the class, the chatter of students died down as they realized that this was the first time Kayla and I saw each other after the incident.

I made eye contact with Kayla for a brief moment and saw that her eyes were red, presumably from crying, and she was not wearing any make up. Her lip was swollen but looks like it has been treated and was healing properly

I broke the eye contact and sat down and prepared myself for the lesson. 

The lesson dragged on and was boring. I kept my eyes glued to the front since I felt Kayla's eyes staring at me.

During the end of the period, I struggled with the exit slip but was relieved when I looked up and saw I was the only one left and that Kayla wasn't waiting for me.

I got up to turn in the slip and walked out of the class.

With my luck, I should've known that Kayla was waiting for me outside the class. 

"Can we talk?" She asked softly while clutching her books tightly.

"Nope." I said on the spot and did not hesitate once.

I walked straight to my locker and put in all my books and binders in and slammed the door shut. 

I was honestly so confused and furious that Kayla wanted to talk. What does she have to talk about? How it was an accident? How she didn't mean it? How she wanted yet ANOTHER chance? How it was nothing?

I headed straight toward the gym to shoot around.

After years and years of basketball, it still remained the only thing that could clear my mind and calm me down when I was dealing with something.

Then I heard the shoot open and close.

I didn't look at who was there and continued shooting.

"Your form has gotten better. Commit to a college yet?" The voice said.

Without even looking I knew it was my coach. He's stood by me for the past four years of basketball.  Sort of like a father figure.

"Nope." I released my shot and it swished perfectly through the hoop, hitting the back of the rim and came back toward me.

"I heard UCLA offered you a full ride after that title game." He said as he sat down on the bleachers.

"Yeah they did." I pulled up for another shot.

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