Teeny tiny incident on the roof

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"[f/n]-chan! Good morning!" Momoi-san bounded up to you.

"Good morning, Momoi-san," you replied. "But you have to stop running like that, your boobs are bouncing," you whispered.

Momoi just giggled. "Oh, it's nothing," you walked towards your classroom together. "So Dai-chan told me you went out with him," she whispered.

"Well, yeah," you nodded.

"I thought you said boyfriends are annoying,"

"Going out with him does not mean he's my boyfriend!" You said, shocked. "I went out with him because I lost against him,"

She glanced at you suspiciously. "So, nothing happened?"

Hell yeah something happened, we kissed!!

"No nothing happened, really," you shook your head, "but we did fall into water, why do you ask?"

"Dai-chan almost got run over by a car when he was crossing a street when he was heading home! I saw the whole thing from my window, it scared the hell out of me," she shuddered.

Your face paled. "Where is he?"

"Now? The roof, maybe,"

"Uh, you go to class, I'll see you in a bit," you started walking to the roof.

"Okay, but be careful," why would she tell me to be careful?

You opened the door to the roof. "Aomine-kun?" Nothing. You looked around and see a ladder leading up.

"Are you up here?" You climbed a few steps just enough to peek over the ladder. Then you saw a pair of blue eyes staring at you.

You squealed a bit and almost fell off.

He didn't even do anything, you got up there and sat beside him.

"You're gonna fall if you sleep here," you rolled your index finger and let it dropped from the air, "roll off the side and get a bone fracture,"

"If that happens, I know you will look after me," he murmured in that god so sexy voice of his, about to fall asleep.

"Get up and come to class with me!" You said, hanging your head low so he couldn't see your red face.

"Well why don't you skip class with me?"

"Never, you come to class with me!"

"Good luck making me," he closed his eyes.

*cue flashback*

"Be careful of Dai-chan, he likes big boobs," Momoi-san whispered, eyeing your boobs.

"Don't worry, I know how to punch," you rolled your eyes.

*flashback ends*

"Quite the pervert huh?" You murmur. You shuffled a bit closer to him. He opened a single eye to peek at you.


"Hmm? Nothing," you grinned evily. Let's see how you resist this. You swung your legs over him and planted your knee beside his him on the floor. Then you sat down, straddling him.

"What the?" Aomine opened his eyes. You leaned down, inches from his face.

"Come to class," you whisper. You stared at him. "Are you blushing?" You giggle. You said your hand up his chest.


You could feel his heartbeat increasing. "Like what you touch?" He smirked at you.

"Cocky ass," you smiled. You lean down a bit more. Making him think that you're going to kiss him.

His heart kicked into full gear and thumped wildly under your palm. Your lips barely brushed his when you sat up, grinning down at him. He whined a bit of protest.

"Oh you want some more?" You leaned down again. "No more for a naughty boy," you whispered.

You got up and walked away. 'Shouldn't have done that, [f/n], you are a naughty, naughty girl.' You thought to yourself and walked to your class.

"So did you find him?" Momoi asked.

"Yeah," you nodded. "Let's just see if he shows up,"


Hi guys, I promised to upload two chapters this two weeks. And I didn't get the time, so I'll be updating another chapter right after this.


P.S those who like B.A.P (I don't think there will be anyone), anyways I will be writing a new story about B.A.P, shh, no telling who I am going to write.


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