Weird Aomine

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✩Aomine POV✩

"No more for a naughty boy," [f/n] whispered. Then she got and sauntered away. But she was so close, so close that I could just eat those tasty lips.

"Dang, that ass though," I whispered, appreciating the view. Then I flopped back down, staring at the sky.

"Oh, you want more? No more for a naughty boy," her whisper was clear in my mind as if she just spoken.

"What is wrong with you Daiki?" I murmured and closed my eyes.

I imagined [f/n] naked in my room, on my bed, panting my name over and over again. Moaning, telling me to give her more.

I opened my eyes and grinned. Yep, she is definitely worth it. I hauled myself up and climbed down the ladder.


I opened the door to the classroom. All eyes turned to stare at me.

"Aomine-kun, what a nice surprise!" The teacher raised his/her eyebrows.

I just smirked and walked over to my seat and sat down. The teacher continued teaching, it w as English, fantastic.

But screw that, my attention was all on [f/n]. And she was looking at me, eyes shining with triumph.

"Practice," she mouthed. I groaned internally, suddenly feeling that she's not really worth it anymore. Then she winked at me. Again arousing the desire in me. You're screwed Daiki, so screwed.

✩your POV✩

To be honest you didn't expect Aomine to show up in class. But you were pleased what you did to him had worked.

"What did you do to him?" Momoi whisper yelled.

"Nothing," you grinned. Momoi stared at you suspiciously.

"What? Really, it's nothing,"

"[f/n]-san got the highest mark the in English test this time, I hope you will all learn from her and try harder next time," the teacher announced.


"Do you think Aomine is going to come to practice?" Momoi asked.

"Don't know," you shrugged.

Just then Aomine trudged into the training ccentre in full gear. Everyone stared at him as if he just grown three heads. He walked up to you and smirked.

"What are you standing here for? Go practice," you said.

He sighed really loud and went to train.

"You seem to have put him in a trance," Momoi said beside you.

"Really? A knowing glint in your eyes.

"Yup, and we'll be having a friendly match with Kaijo High next week.

"Yeah, okay,"

~Glorious teleportation to the school gate~

"Bye Momoi-san, I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Bye, [f/n]-chan!! Dai-chan let's go!" Momoi waved.

"Yeah I'm coming, guess I'll see you tomorrow then,"

"If you come to class, then yes, I will see you tomorrow," he groaned, very loud.

"Not my problem," you shrug. "Bye," you turned and walked in the opposite direction.

You dished out your headphones from your pocket and put them on.

You decided to take the long way home. You scrolled through your playlist, mostly English and [other fav language], also some Japanese songs.

You were just about the click on Adele's "Hello" when you bumped into someone.

"Oof, sorry," you glanced up. Woah. Why is he....?

"It's okay," he grinned at you.

"What's your name?" You asked, eager to learn more about him.

"I'm Kise Ryota," he flashed a brilliant smile at you.


Hi lovelies, hope chu enjoy~~ I know this chapter nothing exciting happened.... sry D:
So the picture actually had nothing to do with the chapter, just wanted to tease u guys xD

School starts tomorrow *sigh* I don't wanna.... someone kill me, no wait, I wanna know about my results, ugh.......
I kinda want to avoid my boyfriend right now, things were really awkward with him during the exams..... I'm not gonna burden you with my feelings, so bye bye lovelies~~ gudnite

P.S check out my Kise x Reader one shot :3


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